You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Joachim Kollingk
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1580, April 6
Joachim Kolling to count John VII of Oldenburg: states that he has prepared a ship to sail to Kummerwage in Iceland, freighted it for the value of 1500 daler, and hired a crew and a skipper from Bremen, Roleff Gerdes, who also owns part of the ship. However, the Bremen city council forbade the latter to sail with him. Kolling argues that Bremen had no right to do this, and requests free passage and freedom of operation.
Transcript available
1580, November 16
Joachim Kolling declares, that he has received a license to use the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland from the king of Denmark with help from count John VII of Oldenburg, and that he has fitted out a ship together with 16 ship owners, and will behave like an honest merchant.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)