You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Johan Oldendorp
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1533, January 12
Hamburg to Rostock: write that they have asked for the council of doctor Johan Oldendorp in an urgent matter, and hope for his cooperation.
1533, January 12
Hamburg to Rostock doctor of law Johan Oldendorp: asks for his cooperation in the negotiations between Denmark and England surrounding the conflict between Bremen and Hamburg and English merchants in Iceland.
Transcript available
1533, February 15-17
Proceedings of the negotiations between the representatives of the city of Hamburg and the English representative in Segeberg, about the violent attacks of German merchants on the English in Iceland.
1533, February 18
Rostock doctor of law Johan Oldendorp to Hamburg secretary Herman Rover: sends him the documents pertaining to the Icelandic quarrels, and asks to send them to England.
1533, February 24
Notes of Hamburg secretary Herman Rover, about a letter he wrote to Johan Oldendorp, concerning the proceedings in the negotiations with the English ambassador.
1533, February 27
Hamburg secretary Herman Rover to Matthias van Emersen, secretary of the Hanseatic Kontor in London: informs about the actions of the English legate, who was received in Hamburg, then visited the Danish king in Gottorp, after which negotiations about the Icelandic matter took place in Segeberg in February, and left for Bremen on February 26.
1533, March 18
Hamburg to Johan Oldendorp, doctor of law in Rostock: asks to send them the documents that were produced during the negotiations with the English in Hamburg and Segeberg.
1533, March 28
Johan Oldendorp, doctor of law in Rostock to Hamburg secretary Herman Rover: excuses himself for the delay in sending the requested documents to Hamburg.
1533, April 13
Johan Oldendorp, doctor of law in Rostock, to Hamburg secretary Herman Rover: sends the requested documents about the conflict with the English in Iceland.
Displaying records 1 tobis 9 ofvon 9 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)