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1557, [September]
Gerdt Breker obliges to Brun Oldenburg, Johan Belink, Oltman Icken, Harmen Middendorp, and Johan Ellebracht, that he will pay 150 Bremen marks to the heirs of Cordt Hemeling, and 20 daler to the foud of Shetland Olave Sinclair, because of his involvement in the death of Hemeling. He mortgages his posessions in and around Bremen, including his house and booth, and promises not to leave the ship that takes him back to Germany.
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1563, August 18
Olave Sinclair, governor of Shetland, to Bremen: declares how he didn't want to give Johan Cordes and Johan Runge a license for the harbour of Baltasound, because there were already too many ships near the northern islands, but that they were not interested in one of the many available harbours on the mainland, and that it is a lie that they were driven from the said harbour by force by Segebad Detken and his companions.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)