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1586, February 13
List of harbours in Iceland, for which Hamburg merchants have applied for a license.
1599, December 18
Hamburg to the Danish privy councillor Christoffer Valckendorf: complaint on behalf of the Hamburg merchants in Iseforde in Iceland, who were accused by lawman Jon Jonsson of not having brought enough commodities for the local population, but who have sailed there for 12 years and have acquired a license in 1598 for three years. Therefore, it is asked to reject the request of Johan Holtgreve to sail there as well.
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1600, December 30
The city council of Bremen testifies, that Carsten Bake appeared before them and complained about how lawman Jon Jonsson in Snæfellsnes forced him to use a new weight which was lighter than the old one, and forbade him to ship commodities out of Iceland. Moreover, as many animals died in Iceland last year, this brought him great damage. The story is (partly) confirmed under oath by four other merchants with Iceland.
1604, January 10
Bernd Salfeld to king Christian IV of Denmark: complains how his goods have been confiscated in Iceland by the governour by request of lawman Jon Jonsson, and was forced to pay 2000 daler because he tried to collect his outstanding debts, and asks to let Jonsson appear before court.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)