You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Rolof Gerdes
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1577, March 19
Jurgen Timme to Bremen: complaint against the skipper Rolof Gerdes, who was supposed to sail from Hamburg to Iceland with commodities from Holstein and Denmark. Gerdes later changed his mind, although Timme had already bought many commodities, and now asks for compensation.
Transcript available
1583, April 17
Johan Bockholt to Bremen: confirms the story that merchants Hans Vos and Joachim Meinsen from Hamburg were appointed in Iceland as warrantors for Joachim Kolling because of a debt he had from Luder Ottersen, and that therefore Rolof Gerdes, who was appointed as warrantor before, is not liable in this case.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)