You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: William Sterling
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Memorandum by tacksman Andro Smyth concerning expenses and debts for the levying of taxes and customs in Shetland for the years 1638 and 1639.
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1639, November 29
Discharge by Joshua Averie to Court Warnke of Bremen for 500 rix dollars which had been ordered to be paid to him by George Sinclair and Andro Smith, to the end that the same should be remitted to Scotland to Mr William Stirling.
Transcript available
1640, December 23
Obligation by Patrick Smyth of Braco to William Dick of Braid, anent a debt of 500 rix dollar owed by Court Warnekin from Bremen for a load of butter, who paid the sum to Joshua Averie in Hamburg, who was supposed to pay it via William Stirling to William Dick or Peter Smyth, but the money never arrived.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)