

Memorandum by tacksman Andro Smyth concerning expenses and debts for the levying of taxes and customs in Shetland for the years 1638 and 1639.

Edinburgh, National Records of Scotland


One bifolio



Endorsed: Notes of comptis and doubles of missives and some bandis and bills of exchange concerning the dewties of Yetland, crop 1638 and 1639.

Memorandum concerning Yetland.

In the first, sent to Williame Dik of Bread in part of payment of the tak dewtie of Yetland on John Spritiemans bark, 70 barrells ½ barrell butter, and suppose thair be some thairof pakit in salt tries yit the same will hold weyght, ane being compairit with another, and the lightnes of the timber of the barrells of salt tries and Lunaburg tries being rekonit conforme to the memorandum sent south with John Spritieman, quhairof ye have the copie with John Spritieman his ticket of recept thairof.

Item, sent to him on Johne Quoybankis bark, 12 barrells butter, conforme to William Miller his ticket of recept thairof.

Item, restand be Thomas Rany in Monros upon twa obligatiouns, with the assignatiounis thairto, sent to Mr William Sterling, 433 li. 6s. 8d.

Item, restand be Cuthbert Widrow, skipper, to be payit be William Cunninghame in Edinburgh for Robert Lawsone, 266 li. 13s. 4d. Ye have resavit his band heirwith, and if the money be tymouslie payit upon Mr William Sterlingis advertesment ye will delyver him his band and considder the rent, seing he resavit only 240 li.

Item, restand be Court Warnekin, merchand in Breheme, and his cautioners, upon band to have bein payit at Mertimes 1639, 300 rex dollours at [...].1

Item, restand be Yan Sour, factor for Albert Raddke and Hans Westerman, merchands in Hamburg, conforme to ane bill of exchange delyverit heirwith, 550 rex dollours at [...]. The bill of exchange is direct to his masteris foirsaids for payment of the money to Mr Josua Hervie, agent and factor for the Inglish companie at Hamburgh, and to procure bills fra him to William Dik for payment to Andro Smyth.

Item, mair sent south on John Spritiemans bark, 59 barrells oyllie with ane barrell 2 part full markit with PS, that we resavit of the dewties, with 21 barrells and 2 half barrells oyllie markit with HS of Harie Sinclairis, quhairfoir we must be comptable according to the pryces quhairfoir it salbe sold, all the oyllie to be sold and the pryces thairof to be put in William Dikis hand to accompt of his tak dewtie. The double of the letter I wreat to James Smyth ye have with yow.

James Scot hes subscryvit note of resait of the customes ye have resavit, quhairin thair is insert the wattill, ox and sheip silver, crop 1638, resavit be him, quhilk extends to 952 li. 19s. 2d. This ought to be allowit in the first termes payment and sould nocht come in with the customes in the payment of the last yeiris tak dewtie, conforme to the contract, bot if it cannot be gottin done to get a warrand for the allowance of it with the customes the last yeir of the tak at least. Nota, James Scot hes resavit sindrie of the dewties, butter, oyllie and wodmell in 1638 for that same crop contrair the ancient custome, and refuisis to give us a particular note thairof, also our gunis that yeir and sindrie small thingis besyde.

To John Spritieman, that he resavit in Yetland conforme to his tickit, j lispund butter.
Mair, he resavit j barrell great salt, quhairfoir he sould be comptable, except so much as he bestowit upon the pomp that voyage becaus of our oyllie. Mair, he took bak agane ane of our tume tries quhairin he haid meall for the tyme.

Item, mair lent to Cuthbert Widrow on his band be Patrik Smyth of his own money, 200 lib, quhilk sould be payit be William Cunningham payit all be him.

Note of moneyis brought fra Yetland and now left with Patrik Smyth of Braco.

In the first to Mr Patrik Grahame in your name at your desyre, 2,621 li.

Item, in ane harne pok of Inglish money, 634 li. 2s, and 185 dollours at 499 li. 10s. Inde, 1133 li. 12s.

Item, in another harne pok of Hollandis money, of 6 stiver peices 436, and of 2 stiver peices or double stiveris 1,581. The 5 stiver peice resavit for 6s. Scottis and the double stiver for 2s. Scottis. Inde, 288 li. 18s. Bot being rekonit at 50 stiveris the doller it will extend to 115 dollers and 30s. Scottis, inde, 312 li, for it passes ordinarlie at 50 stiveris for a doller with these that hes ordinarie traffik to Holland.

A. Smyth.

Transcript by John Ballantyne