
1640, July 21


Andro Smyth to his brother Patrick Smyth of Braco: sends a receipt for a sum of 550 dollars which was paid by Yan Sour to Joshua Averie in Hamburg, and reports that Court Warnekin has also paid his debt of 500 dollars to the same, but forgot to bring the receipt. The Dutch have started salvaging the anchors of their ships that were attacked by Dunkirkers, and further complains about the troublesome levying of taxes and rents in Shetland.

Edinburgh, National Records of Scotland


One bifolio




Endorsed: To his honourabill and loving brother Patrik Smyth of Braco. These.

Honourabill and loving brother,
I wreat a letter to yow with Hew Dinnisone from this when he wes last in Orknay, quhairin wes incloseit the bill of exchange that wes sent with Yan Sour, acceptit be the factour at Hambrugh, Mr Joshua Averijs, with his ticket of recept of the 550 dollours upon the bak thairof, togidder with the double of a Dutch letter in Latin fra Yan Sour his outredderis, as my letter at lenth proported. Quhairof I resavit no answer, quhairof I mervell, for Hew delyverit me a letter to the moderatour and presbiterie heir, quhilk he sayis James Dinisone resavit fra yow in Kirkwall, quhilk he thocht had bein to me. If that letter be miscaryit and nocht com to your handis we have no forder warrand for that money except the factour his book quhairin he insertis these moneyis and uses with the frist occasioun to adverteis William Dik thairof, quhilk I think must be done befoir this tyme. Also Court Warnekin hes payit his 500 dolours to the factour, bot hes forgot his ticket of recept thairof behind him.1 I heir be himself and utheris divers that his money wes payit about the last of November, and Yan Souris wes payit, as the ticket bearis, the last of October. James Scot showis me that William Dik will allow upon the factours advertesment the money as payit to himself at these tymes, and for ought he knowis hes nocht best traffik with the factour, conforme to his last letter wretin to him, quhilk ye will endevour to try, and of his advertesment anent these moneyis, with the first occasioun going be sea or land. The Hollanders ar heir wining thair ankeris, towis and peices, and uther thingis that the countrey people and Dunkirkeris left of the brunt shippis. I have bein throw the countrey at the Dutches, and have nocht gottin fra them 80 dollours as yit of thair dewis, and nothing fra the countrey people of thair bygone restis. I could not have a horss to buy for yow in all the countrey as I went, yit our Orkney men hes gottin many and I admeir it. I thought to have coft some fra them bot they have given so great pryces tharfoir and expectis so much at home, that they wold sell none to me heir, bot I have left directioun in the north yles to buy some and have sent money worth with William Burgar, Rapnes man, to try what he can do, and if they may be haid I sall do what I can thairfoir, bot I fear passage heirefter. The Dutches have brought litle or no money with them save to pay thair dewis, for sindrie I fear salbe restand over yeir. The Hollanderis fleit cam nocht in this yeir nor the merchandis to the ness for fishes, quhilk makis this countrey void of moneyis. As for butter I think we sall get very litle, for ought I can perceave. As I went throw the countrey I advertesit the wodmell to have bein in. I have stayit heir to resave it this 5 dayis and none come as yit, bot word that some is weaving and most part unwalkit as yit. I know not what to do thairintill for I expect the same hourlie and can nocht remove fra this till it be ressavit. I mynd to tak in this yeiris wodmell heir in Scalloway for thair is nocht rowme at Laxfuird besyd the last yeiris wodmell. The tyme of the seall of the wodmell in Norway is passing fast. If dilligence be nocht useit it is a lost commoditie. Thair is no timber to be haid of the brunt shippis for our windowis, for all is brunt except a litle part of the hold. If thair come any materiall for the castell of sclaitt and timber the bark must come to Scalloway thairwith. The tyme of yeir for workmen to that work is fast going. I am daylie troublit with complaintis of violent courses heir. Everie man going his awin way, and laying the imputatioun of the nocht redressing thairof upon us. This busines is nocht for me alone. It wold requyre better headis and mo handis, for the countrey layis voyd and can nocht be rune throw suddenly. I wes 14 days going throw, only speaking with the Dutches and advertesing for the wodmell, for the weather stayit me somewhat, and laik of passage sometymes. God knowis my sleipis ar short and unsound, for thair is so many thingis to be done in so many sindrie places that I know not whair to begin. James Scot hes bred thir people in such custome to do what they lyk and when they please. I know ye will delay no tyme als soone as the bark comes fra Norway. Ye will remember at that tyme that thair come heir with the bark some candle for I have only half stane with me. Another half stane will serve, or thairby, some soap and some stuffing for our clothes, for thair is none to be haid heir.

Andro Gadie hes resavit fra Robert Neilsone and me in name of Mans Tailyeour upon his band 175 li. 6s. Also I have lent to Robert Bruce in Burray, upon his band, 20 li, and to Johne Sinclair, sone to John Sinclair in Tenstane, 7 li, and to quhilk moneyis ye will reasave fra them if ye have use for the same. The baron of Burgh his boat is to heir agane shortlie. Quhairfoir I look for advertesment fra yow how soone ye or Rapnes myndis to be heir; how materis gois abroad and at home; how freindis ar. Swa having no forder for the present bot my humble dewtie rememberit to your self, your bedfellow, Myrsyd, Manes, Mr Patrik, Saba, Rusland, Gairsay and all our freinds, and committing you all to the protectioun and directioun of almightie God, I rest,
Your loving brother,
A. Smyth.

Scallowaybanks, 21 Julij 1640.

I have lost my stampt. If any can be haid that hes no particular name nor armes I wish I haid one with the frist occasioun, for I can hardlie want ane.

[Here follow three payments written in another hand]

Transcript by John Ballantyne