You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Dureforde
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1565, August 11
Bartholomeus Tinappel to king Frederick II of Denmark: request for a license to use the harbours Iseforde and Dureforde, to which Hamburg merchants have sailed with a ship of 70 last before.
Transcript available
1567, [ca. January 29]
Jurgen Wegener, Hans Elers and Hieronimus Voegler to Hamburg: Christoffer Voegler from Segeberg has received a license for the harbours Dureforde and Iseforde in Iceland, for which Lübeck merchants are fitting out a ship in Hamburg to sail there. Therefore, it is requested to write a letter to Lübeck to forbid this.
1568, February 21
Widow and heirs of Bartholomeus Tinappel to Lübeck: explain how the ship of Tinappel's widow had been in Iceland very late in autumn, and could therefore not sell all commodities on board, which were left on the island. Therefore, she sent a ship to Dureforde last sommer to get these commodities and reclaim outstanding debts, and thus Christof Vögler, the Danish merchant who has the harbour now, has no right to complain as it did not harm him.
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