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Peter Karssche, Hans Brün, Claus Kruse and Arnd Negenradt confess, that they sailed from [Danzig] with skipper Peter Dambecke to Iceland, where they arrived three weeks after St James (c. 15 August 1434), at which time all the fish had already been bough by the English, whereupon they decided to stay over winter, but the skipper did not want this, and therefore the English bought up their commodities.
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1494, May 25
Proceedings of the Hanseatic Diet in Bremen, in which among others the merchants in Bergen complain about merchants sailing to Shetland, who mix Shetland fish with fish from Bergen, upon which it is decided that Shetland shall not be visited anymore, upon penalty of being excluded from the Hanse.
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[1511, June 16 - July 5]
Proceedings of the Hanseatic Diet in Lübeck, in which among others the German attacks on the English in Iceland are discussed, whereupon it is decided that the merchants should be admonished to refrain from such behaviour.
Transcript available
[1517, June 14 - July 5]
Proceedings of the Hanseatic Diet in Lübeck, in which among others the gathered representatives emphasize that merchants in Iceland should behave peacefully towards the English, the Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen complains against the Icelandic trade, and Osnabrück complains about the mixing of Shetlandic and Icelandic fish in Bremen.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)