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1563, January 31
King Frederick II of Denmark to Hamburg: request to send a list of goods on board of the ship that was arrested with sulfur from Iceland in the Elbe.
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1563, February 5
King Frederick II of Denmark to Hamburg: asks to refrain from trading in the harbours Stappe, Reff, and Grundeforde in the West of Iceland, because Danish merchants are trading there now.
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1564, September 13
King Frederick II of Denmark to [Joachim] Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: has granted Bremen merchants, who had complained about hindrance by Hamburg merchants in the harbour Bodenstede in Iceland, the use of the said harbour, and almost completely forbade Hamburg merchants to sail to Iceland.
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1568, April 10
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: in reply to Gerd Hemeling's request for compensation of his ship and goods that were taken by count Bothwell in Shetland, Frederick answers that he is welcome to start a lawsuit against him.
Displaying records 1 tobis 4 ofvon 4 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)