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1591, between December 12 and 29
Representative of the Hamburg merchants with Bernforde to the Danish Council of the Realm: reply to complaints from the Bremen representative in the conflict about the use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde in Iceland, in which he states that although the Bremen merchants have a license for Ostforde, this refers to a quarter of the entire land and not to a specific harbour like Bernforde.
1602, November 27
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a copy of the license for the harbour Walforde in Iceland on behalf of Heinrich Gerbrandt, Paul Focke, Michael Brautigam, Claus Makebusch, Johan Rentzel, Tonies Rode and Heinrich Smidt, after Rode and Smidt lost the license in 1601 during a shipwreck on the way back from Iceland, at which occasion skipper Joachim Greve died.
1602, November 29
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for permission to sail to Haneforde the next year, on behalf of Cordt Bleker, Herman Kopman, Diderich Berman, and Didrich Hambrock, which was forbidden by the king even if their license is still valid for a year, and they have many outstanding debts.
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