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1567, [ca. January 29]
Jurgen Wegener, Hans Elers and Hieronimus Voegler to Hamburg: Christoffer Voegler from Segeberg has received a license for the harbours Dureforde and Iseforde in Iceland, for which Lübeck merchants are fitting out a ship in Hamburg to sail there. Therefore, it is requested to write a letter to Lübeck to forbid this.
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Hans Elers to royal secretary Augustinus Erich: writes that lawman Jon Jonsson has asked him and Jurgen van Winsen to sail to the harbour Ruteforde in Iceland, and requests a license to do so. A license has been given in 1591 to Laurens Schroder and Jochim Holste, but they are not using it.
1599, Autumn
Johan Holtgreve to the Danish privy councillor Christoffer Valckendorf: request for a license for the harbour Altenforde in Iceland, because lawman Jon Jonsson has complained that the merchants in nearby Iseforde do not provide the local population with enough commodities.
1599, August 29
Lawman Jon Jonsson to chancellor Heinrich Ramel of the Danish German chancery: writes that the poor people in Iseforde in Iceland have complained that the merchants there do not bring enough commodities, because they sail there with one ship where before there were two. Therefore, he requests a license for nearby Alteforde on behalf of Johan Holtgreve, who has traded in Iceland for 18 years and is an honest merchant.
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