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1484, March 11
Proceedings of the Diet of the Wendish cities in Lübeck, in which the Bergen merchants complain about the Icelandic trade, whereby Hamburg merchants are sailing from other cities such as Wismar, upon which it is decided that this trade should end, and that letters should be sent to Bremen and Danzig to prevent ships from sailing to Iceland.
Transcript available
1567, September 2
Verdict of assize of the justiciary court in trial of James Edmistoun and John Blacader, who are accused of piracy of three ships from Bremen in Shetland, a ship from Lübeck coming from Norway, and other crimes, and convicted to execution by hanging from the market cross in Edinburgh.
Transcript available
1603, May 1
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: draft for an answer to the king's final prohibition of the Icelandic trade, in which the support of the governour and the islanders is asked in reclaiming their last outstanding debts. The letter was never sent.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)