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1566, February 28
Herman von Oldenseel (Lübeck) license for Vopnafjörður, which was formerly used by a Bremen man. King Frederick II of Denmark permits Herman von Oldenseel from Lübeck to trade with the harbour Wopnefiorde in Iceland, which was used by a man from Bremen before, until further notice.
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1576, October 28
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: request to renew the license to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland. The license was formerly given to Bernd Losekanne, and should now be transferred to Christoffer Meyer.
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Overview of the harbours in Iceland in use in the years 1584-1592.
1590, November 5
Excerpt of Marten Losekanne's license for Ostforde in Iceland, with notes about the license of Daniel Elers for Bernforde.
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Summary of the petitions and complaints of Hamburg and Bremen merchants regarding the conflict between Daniel Elers from Hamburg and Marten Losekanne from Bremen about the harbours Ostforde and Bernforde in Iceland.
Daniel Elers to the Danish council of the Realm: complains about how he received a license for the harbour Bernforde in Iceland, but was hindered by Bremen merchant Marten Losekanne, who acquired a license for Wapenforde, but changed the name to Ostforde, which he claims to be the same harbour as Bernforde.
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Testimonies of Icelanders Halgrimur Niklasson, who claims that his father was bailiff in Ostfordsyssel and has never heard of a harbour called Ostforde, and Torsten Tusteson, who claims that when he was in the region, he heard that Bremen merchants were trading in Dupwage in Bernforde.
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Overview of the harbours in use in Iceland and in which year their licenses expire, 1601-1603.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)