You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Stadischer
Displaying records 1 tobis 8 ofvon 8 Einträgen gezeigt
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[1704, April]
Hinrich Gooßman to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: requests a sea pass for his ‘hucker’ Hoffnung of 24 lasts, for a journey from the Geeste to Shetland with brandy, flour and other commodities, and back again.
[1704, May]
Daniel Thomsen to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: request a sea pass for his ship St. Johannes of 25 lasts, for a journey from the Schwinge to Shetland under command of skipper Caspar Detloff, and back again.
[1705, March]
Nicolaus Sauke to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: request for a sea pass for his ship Fortuna of 24 lasts, under command of skipper Hans Carsten, for a journey to Shetland with salt, beer, brandy, ryemeal and other commodities, and back with fish and other commodities, although he might stay in Shetland for trading reasons.
[1705, March]
Friedrich Bossaw to the Swedish governor-general: request for a sea pass for his ship Weisse Schwan of 40 lasts, under command of skipper Hans Heldt, for a journey to Shetland.
[1705, March]
Daniel Thomsen to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: request for a sea pass for his ship Weisse Perle of 27 lasts, for a journey from the Schwinge to Shetland and back, under command of skipper Casper Detloff.
[1705, March]
Daniel Thomsen to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: request for a sea pass for his ship St. Johannes, under command of skipper Peter Andressen, for a journey to Shetland.
[1708, March]
Daniel Thomsen to the Swedish governor-general: request for a sea pass for his ship St. Johannes of 24 lasts, under command of skipper Henrich Kampmann.
[1708, April]
Johann Otto Bossau to the Swedish governor-general: request for a sea pass for his ship St. Catharina of 18 lasts, under command of skipper Lorenz Kruse, for a journey to Shetland.
Displaying records 1 tobis 8 ofvon 8 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)