Thomas Koppen
Thomas Koppen; Thomas Koppenn; Thomes Koeppen; Thomes Koping; Thomes Koppen; Thomes Koppenn; Thomes Køppen; Thomes Køppenn; Thomes Køppens; Thomis Copiins; Thomis Kopins; Thomis Koppen; Thomis Koppenn; Thommes Køppyngh; Tomas Koppen; Tomes Kiøkiæn; tommos coppins; tommos koppin; tomos koppyn
Merchant and councillor in Hamburg
Displaying records 21 tobis 30 ofvon 42 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1536, February 18
King Christian III of Denmark to Esgy Bille, commander of Bergenhus: asks to support Thomes Koppen from Hamburg, who has been enfeoffed with the Faroes, in collecting the taxes from the islands, and to not hinder him in doing so.
Transcript available
1537, February 16
King Christian III of Denmark to commander Eske Bille of Bergenhus: asks among others to leave Thomas Koppen on the Faroes in peace, as he has a license from the previous king, as well as his servant Hans van der Vecht.
Transcript available
1538, May 26
Bishop Amundus of the Faroes to Thomes Koppenn: thanks him for sending among others a barrel of Hamburg beer, and sends him and his wife many gifts in return.
Transcript available
1539, March 20
Claus von der Marwitz to Melchior Rantzau, marshal of the Danish king: reports about Icelandic complaints about misbehaving English merchants in Iceland, and how the matter was treated by the Danish and English king.
1539, April 27
King Christian III of Denmark to Thomas Koppen from Hamburg: quittance for 100 Lübeck mark, which was the royal levy for the Faroes.
King Christian III of Denmark confirms the lease of the Faroes to Thomas Koppen, who will have all incomes of the island, and no one else is allowed to trade there, as was originally decided by King Frederick I.
1547, February 14
King Christian III of Denmark to Thomas Koppen: Koppen receives two parts of the church goods in the Faroes, for which he shall pay annually 100 Lübeck mark to the school on the islands, 100 mark to the hospital, and 500 mark to the king each year on Easter.
1547, February 14
King Christian III of Denmark to Thomas Koppen from Hamburg: quittance for 200 Lübeck mark, which was the royal levy for the Faroes for the years 1545 and 1546.
1547, February 15
King Christian III of Denmark to Thomas Koppen from Hamburg: quittance for his payment of the levies for the ecclesiastical goods of the Faroes for the years 1545 and 1546, which were received by treasurer Jørgen Pedersen.
1548, March 12
King Christian III of Denmark to Christoffer Hvidtfeldt: has recently allowed citizens of Bergen to trade in the Faroes, but now Thomas Koppen from Hamburg has complained that due to the bad last year, he has a lot of outstanding debts on the islands, which he fears he cannot collect if Bergen citizens are trading there as well. Therefore, it is requested that they will not trade there until Koppen has collected his outstanding debts.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)