Hardenfiordsußell; Múlasýsla; Mule recht; Mulen recht; Mulen rechtt; Mulesussel; Mulesußell; Mulle sussell; Oistfortsußell; Oistforttsußell; Osefiort sissel; Osfortsyssell; Ostfiord sussel; Ostfiord syssel; Ostfiordsißell; Ostfiordsussel; Ostfiordsußell; Ostfiordsyssel; Ostfiordt Sißell; Ostfiordt siußel; Ostfiordtsussel; Ostfiordtsussell; Ostfiort sußell; Ostfiortsißell; Ostfiortsußel; Ostfiortt sißell; Ostforde sußell; Ostfordesussel; Ostfordsussel; Ostfordsyssel; Ostfordt sißell; Ostfordt syßell; Ostfordtsyssel; Ostfordtsyßell; Ostfort sißell; Ostfortsußell; Ostfortt sußell; Ostforttsußel; Ostforttsußell
Region/Country: Region/Land: Eastern Iceland, Iceland
Sýsla (administrative division) in Eastern Iceland, with the (former) monastery Skriðuklaustur as the administrative centre. Bremen merchants seem to have called this region Ostforde, although this might refer specifically to the southern part around Berufjörður.
Displaying records 21 tobis 30 ofvon 34 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
Summary of the petitions and complaints of Hamburg and Bremen merchants regarding the conflict between Daniel Elers from Hamburg and Marten Losekanne from Bremen about the harbours Ostforde and Bernforde in Iceland.
Secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt from Bremen states his arguments to prove that the harbours Ostforde in Iceland, used by Bremen merchants, and Bernforde, used by Hamburg merchants, are in fact the same harbour.
Transcript available
Testimonies of Icelanders Halgrimur Niklasson, who claims that his father was bailiff in Ostfordsyssel and has never heard of a harbour called Ostforde, and Torsten Tusteson, who claims that when he was in the region, he heard that Bremen merchants were trading in Dupwage in Bernforde.
Transcript available
1591, August 19
Slétta (Reyðarfjörður)
Kietill Sveinsson declares that the Bremen merchants in Ostforde have behaved themselves very well and wishes for their license to be continued, and that Dupwage is located opposite Fulewick.
Transcript available
1591, August 21
Biorn Gunnarsson declares that the Bremen merchants who have trade in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for 80 years have behaved themselves very well, and wishes that their license may be continued, and that Dupwage is located opposite Fulewick.
Transcript available
1591, August 25
Bailiffs Elendur Magnusson, Bryniolfur Jonson and Gudmundur Eyolfson declare that Bremen merchants in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland sell better commodities than Hamburg merchants and help the local people.
1591, December 5
Marten Losekanne and Johan Oldenbuttel to prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen: complain that they have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for over 80 years, and now Daniel Elers from Hamburg has received a license for the harbour Bernforde, which is in fact the same harbour, and ask for mediation at the Danish court.
1592, January 4
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Marten Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1595, November 16
Skipper Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, Johan Reineken's widow and children to Bremen: request for a prolongation of the four-year license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland.
1595, December 2
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request a renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johan Reineken's widow and children.
Displaying records 21 tobis 30 ofvon 34 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)