Hardenfiordsußell; Múlasýsla; Mule recht; Mulen recht; Mulen rechtt; Mulesussel; Mulesußell; Mulle sussell; Oistfortsußell; Oistforttsußell; Osefiort sissel; Osfortsyssell; Ostfiord sussel; Ostfiord syssel; Ostfiordsißell; Ostfiordsussel; Ostfiordsußell; Ostfiordsyssel; Ostfiordt Sißell; Ostfiordt siußel; Ostfiordtsussel; Ostfiordtsussell; Ostfiort sußell; Ostfiortsißell; Ostfiortsußel; Ostfiortt sißell; Ostforde sußell; Ostfordesussel; Ostfordsussel; Ostfordsyssel; Ostfordt sißell; Ostfordt syßell; Ostfordtsyssel; Ostfordtsyßell; Ostfort sißell; Ostfortsußell; Ostfortt sußell; Ostforttsußel; Ostforttsußell
Region/Country: Region/Land: Eastern Iceland, Iceland
Sýsla (administrative division) in Eastern Iceland, with the (former) monastery Skriðuklaustur as the administrative centre. Bremen merchants seem to have called this region Ostforde, although this might refer specifically to the southern part around Berufjörður.
Displaying records 31 tobis 34 ofvon 34 Einträgen gezeigt
1596, January 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne (later changed to Johan and Friedrich Wilkens) and Johan Reineke's widow from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for three years.
1598, December 9
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johann Reinekens widow.
1599, August 24
Jacob Winock, sheriff of Skriðuklaustur and Múlasýsla, to Augustinus Erich, secretary of the Danish German chancery: states how Jochim Focke has received a license for the harbour Horne- and Ostforde in Iceland, which is already in use by Friedrich Tilebare from Bremen. Therefore, the German chancery should inform about the matter.
Transcript available
Overview of the harbours in use in Iceland and in which year their licenses expire, 1601-1603.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)