Londen; Londinensis; Londino; Londinum; London; Londoniarum; Londonie; Londoniensem; Londoniensis; londonij; Londonio; Londonn; lunde(n); Lunden; Lundenn; Lundeschen; Lundino; Lundis; Stalhoffe; Stolhouith
Region/Country: Region/Land: England, England
Capital of England, and seat of the Hanseatic Kontor (Stalhof / Steelyard) in England.
Displaying records 31 tobis 40 ofvon 46 Einträgen gezeigt
1533, February 27
Hamburg secretary Herman Rover to Matthias van Emersen, secretary of the Hanseatic Kontor in London: informs about the actions of the English legate, who was received in Hamburg, then visited the Danish king in Gottorp, after which negotiations about the Icelandic matter took place in Segeberg in February, and left for Bremen on February 26.
1533, February 27
Hamburg to the Hanseatic Kontor in London: summary of the negotiations that took place in Hamburg and Segeberg with the English representative about the violence between German and English merchants in Iceland.
1533, March 3
Hamburg secretary Herman Rover to Gerdt Nigebur, merchant in London: has discussed with his partners Hans Hesterberch and Herman van der Huden and the English ambassador about the Icelandic fishes that were confiscated in England, for which a compensation of 500 pound sterling is demanded, although they are only worth 100 pounds.
Transcript available
1533, April 3
King Henry VIII of England to Hamburg: thanks them for the good care of his ambassador and waits for a letter from the Danish king concerning the Icelandic matter.
Transcript available
1533, May 20
Eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in London to Hamburg: hope that the conflict with England about the Icelandic situation has come to an end with the negotiations in Segeberg, and ask for compensation of expenses in the matter, as the Kontor had nothing to do with it.
Transcript available
[1534, July 3?]
Instruction for the Hamburg representatives who are sent to England to discuss the Hanseatic privileges there, and will hand over a document with suggestions for a better relation between the English and German merchants in Iceland.
Transcript available
1535, February 27
Hamburg merchants with Iceland to Hamburg: repeat the complaints about the behaviour of the English against them in Iceland on various occasions, but accept the outcome of the negotiations in Segeberg, although they were not sufficiently compensated.
Transcript available
[1535, July 10 - August 29]
Proceedings of the Hanseatic Diet in Lübeck, where among others the Hanseatic Kontor in London complains about the violent attacks from Bremen and Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland in 1532, to which the burgomaster of Hamburg replies that the Danish king bore responsibility for it, and Bremen and Hamburg complain about hindrance of their trade with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroes.
Transcript available
[1535, August 15]
Eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in London to the Hanseatic representatives gathered in Lüneburg: various complaints of the Kontor, among others about the violence of Bremen and Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland in 1532, which caused many expenses for which the Kontor requests compensation.
Transcript available
ca. 1544
Danish counsellor Anders Bille's recommendations about the Icelandic trade, that the king shall send two ships of 100 lasts annually to collect sulfur, which the Hamburg merchants do until now, and a ship to the harbours Botsand and Reff to trade, and that the English traders in England shall pay their tolls for the Icelandic trade in the London steelyard.
Displaying records 31 tobis 40 ofvon 46 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)