You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: feathers
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1533, June 17
Bishop Amund of the Faroes to Eske Bylle, commander of Bergenhus castle: complains about merchant Jacob Wullenwever from Hamburg in the Faroes, who obstructs the trade with Bergen, and therefore the bishop will now send a ship to Bergen himself with vadmal, feathers, and other commodities.
1581, February 17
King Frederick II of Denmark to Christoffer Valckendorff: has received the complaints of the Faroese about a lack of imported commodities, whereupon Magnus Heinason has excused himself for arriving to the islands too late after the Hamburg merchants, and that the need cannot have been so high since he left a large quantity of flour on the islands the year before.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)