Dirick Kuning
Derick Cuning; Derick Kooning; Dirich Küning; Dirich Kunning; Dirick Kuning
Merchant from Bremen in the 17th century
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Transcript available
Overview of the tolls of the German merchants trading in Shetland in 1654, with note of the amounts received.
Transcript available
1661, August 20
Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Dirick Kuning, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland, and for additional expenses in collecting the excises.
Transcript available
1661, November 12
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complaint about the unrightful collecting of excises on salt and beer, which is brought but not sold there, by Gideon and David Murray in Shetland, and request for mediation with the English king for compensation of the suffered losses and prevention of these excises in the future.
Transcript available
1679, December 16
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complain about a recent duplication of customs and taxes in Shetland, also for imports of products which they donot sell, and demand mediation with the parliament of Scotland for reduction of the customs.
Transcript available
1685, September 10
Inventory of the bonds of German merchants in Shetland for butter and oil duties for the year 1684, written by taxman Charles Murray.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)