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1575, April 7
Schaffenradt, secretary in Bremen, declares that he has gone to Bernd Losekanne's house, where he has seen that his license to trade in Iceland has been torn to pieces and the royal seal has been removed. Losekanne declared that the license was issued in his name only, but Christoffer Meyer and others with whom he had a trading company, claimed that it was also valid for them.
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1580, February 15
Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: in answer to the statement of Matthias Eggers from Hamburg that he and his predecessors have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for many years, they claim that he is lying, and that they have the full right to use the harbour, as they have done for about eighty years before.
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1583, January 31
Bremen to governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland: after the king had asked Bockholt last year to prevent Hamburg merchants from hindering Bremen merchants Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, they have done so nevertheless and even increased their activities there. Therefore, it is asked again to prevent this.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)