Bishopric of Bremen
duchy of Bremen; hertzogthumbe von Brehmen und Vehrden; Hertzogthumbs Bremen
Region/Country: Region/Land: , Holy Roman Empire
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[1704, April]
Hinrich Gooßman to the Swedish governor-general in Stade: requests a sea pass for his ‘hucker’ Hoffnung of 24 lasts, for a journey from the Geeste to Shetland with brandy, flour and other commodities, and back again.
1705, April 25
Hinrich Goosman declares, that when returning from his intended journey to Shetland, he will only unload the cargo of his ship in the duchy of Bremen, more specifically at the Geeste river.
Transcript available
1705, April 27
Nicolaus Gyldenstern, Swedish governor-general in Stade, announces that he has ordered Hinrich Goosman to buy two Shetland ponies on his account on his journey to Shetland, and requests free passage for this cargo.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)