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1568, June 30
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: replies to the repeated request of Gerd Hemeling about compensation of his ship and goods, which were stolen by count Bothwell in Shetland, and repeats his previous answer that Hemeling is welcome to start a lawsuit against Bothwell.
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1578, January 20
Stade merchants with Iceland to Joachim Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: relate how they requested a license for the harbours Iseforde and Patersforde in Iceland, but the latter was confused with Alteforde. When they arrived in Iceland with two ships, they were not allowed in the Patersforde. Therefore, intercession with the king is asked to correct this.
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Summary of the petitions and complaints of Hamburg and Bremen merchants regarding the conflict between Daniel Elers from Hamburg and Marten Losekanne from Bremen about the harbours Ostforde and Bernforde in Iceland.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)