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1580, February 15
Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: in answer to the statement of Matthias Eggers from Hamburg that he and his predecessors have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for many years, they claim that he is lying, and that they have the full right to use the harbour, as they have done for about eighty years before.
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1580, March 8
Berndt Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: answer to the letter from Matthias Eggers, who claimed that the Hamburg merchants held a license to trade in Iceland. The Bremen merchants claim that it is unnecessary to plea this case at the royal Danish governour in Iceland, and that the Hamburg merchants did not get their license from the king, but from an Icelander named Erikur Arnason.
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1590, January 17
Bremen to Hamburg: in answer to a complaint from Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers, who has a license for the harbour Bernforde in Iceland, it is claimed that Bremen merchants also have a valid license for the harbour, and have sailed there for many decades.
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1601, November 15
Instruction of the Bremen city council for Johan von Affelen, who is sent to the Danish court to discuss the prohibition of the Icelandic trade for foreign traders. Not only will the prohibition damage the Bremen merchants, who have traded in Iceland for as long as people remember, also it will be of disadvantage to the Icelanders. Therefore, it is asked to prolong the licenses for the three harbours served by Bremen, or at least to let them sail to these harbours until they have collected their outstanding debts.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)