You have searched for: Sie haben gesucht nach: Carsten Baken
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Note of Carsten Bake concerning the harbour Flatto which he has visited and seeks to acquire a license for.
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Overview of the harbours in Iceland in use in the years 1584-1592.
1589, September 12
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Flatto in Iceland on behalf of Carsten Bake from Bremen.
1593, April 27
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Carsten Bake from Bremen to trade with the harbours Neswage and Lando in Iceland for three years. After expiration of the license, the harbour will be given to the count of Oldenburg again.
1597, March 11
Count Johan of Oldenburg to Heinrich Ramel, royal Danish privy councillor: besides a request to buy corn in Denmark, the count complains about Bremen merchants in Iceland, who use the harbour Neswage under the name Stickingsholm with the support of sheriff Carsten Bake, damaging the Oldenburg trade there, and demands that the king forbids this.
1597, March 22
Count John VII of Oldenburg to Christian Friese, Danish privy counselor: besides a request for the permission to buy rye in Denmark, the count complains about Bremen merchants, who use the harbour Neswage in Iceland under the name Stickingsholm with support of sheriff Carsten Bake, damaging the Oldenburg trade there, and asks for his help in negotiating the matter with the king.
1597, March 22
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: besides a request for permission to buy rye in Denmark, the count complains about Bremen merchants, who use the harbour Neswage in Iceland under the name Stickingsholm with support of governour Carsten Bake, damaging the Oldenburg trade there, and asks once again for royal support in the matter.
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1597, April 4
King Christian IV of Denmark to Bremen: request to stop using the harbour Stickingsholm and to return the license, which was issued to Heinrich Alberts and Albert Rote, but was acquired under false pretenses, as it appears to be a part of Neswage, for which count John of Oldenburg already holds a license.
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1597, July 25
Olafur Einarson, Eriker Tostenson, and Dadde Jonson confess that they have heard Osser Ingemundarson complain about bad flour he bought in Kumbaravogur from Harmen Kloppenburg from Oldenburg, and ask governour Johan Bockholt to prevent such flour from being sold.
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1598, August 19
Report of the hearing of witnesses in the case of shipowner and merchant Harmen Kloppenburg against the skipper Dirich Walleman, about a ship he had chartered Walleman to sail with to Iceland. Walleman is accused by Kloppenburg of having traded on his own account as well, and that a part of the fish got wet during transport.
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1600, December 30
The city council of Bremen testifies, that Carsten Bake appeared before them and complained about how lawman Jon Jonsson in Snæfellsnes forced him to use a new weight which was lighter than the old one, and forbade him to ship commodities out of Iceland. Moreover, as many animals died in Iceland last year, this brought him great damage. The story is (partly) confirmed under oath by four other merchants with Iceland.
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