Londen; Londinensis; Londino; Londinum; London; Londoniarum; Londonie; Londoniensem; Londoniensis; londonij; Londonio; Londonn; lunde(n); Lunden; Lundenn; Lundeschen; Lundino; Lundis; Stalhoffe; Stolhouith
Region/Country: Region/Land: England, England
Capital of England, and seat of the Hanseatic Kontor (Stalhof / Steelyard) in England.
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Transcript available
1552, October 10
Contract between Lorenz Winckelman, skipper from Rostock, Jacob Schapeskop and Brandt Schmidt, merchants, and merchant Thomas Daye of Faversham, that they will deliver salted fish to Thomas Daye in London. Daye will provide a pilot and make the payment when they arrive in London in 18 days, and compensate for any additional consumption in case of delays.
Transcript available
[1567, before November 19]
Complaints (Gravamina) of Thomas Gerdes, burgomaster of Rostock, Heinrich Dosse, councillor, Christoph Butzau, Michael Boldewan, Brandt Schmidt and Klaus Lepeler, citizens of Rostock, partners of the deceased skipper Lorenz Winckelman, against Thomas Daye, merchant from England, in an appeal before the Imperial Chamber Court (Reichskammergericht) about a load of fish, which the appellants were supposed to deliver from Shetland to Thomas Daye in London, but instead sold in Hamburg as they could not get to England because of the alleged incompetence of the pilot.
Transcript available
1587, November 29
Elderman Moritz Zimmerman of the London Steelyard to Bremen: has found out that the ship that was attacked by English pirates near Shetland while on the way to Iceland, is lying at the Isle of Man, most of the goods sold, and that attempts to retrieve it will cost a lot of money and trouble.
Transcript available
1661, November 20
Bremen to Jacob Jacobsen, Hanseatic consul in London: sends him the complaint of the Bremen merchants about salt excise in Shetland, with the request to have it translated into English and to further the matter in the English government.
1661, November 20
Bremen to king Charles II of Great Britain: relate how their citizens were treated unfairly in Shetland, and have ordered the Hanseatic consul in London, Jacob Jacobsen, to resolve this matter, to compensate their damage, and to make sure that it will not happen again in the future.
Transcript available
1662, March 14
Jacob Jacobsen, Hanseatic consul in London, to Bremen: writes that he will help to further the complaints of merchants in Shetland, and reports that he has received news that David Murray will be heard in parliament, and that further information will be brought by burgomaster Hinrich Meyer.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)