Angl(icorum); Angli; Anglia; Angliae; Angliam; anglica; anglicanam; Anglicarum; Anglicas; Anglice; Anglici; Anglicis; Anglicj; Anglico; Anglicorum; Anglicos; Anglicum; Anglicus; Anglicæ; Anglie; Anglis; Angliæ; Anglorum; anglos; eingelska; Eingelske; eingelsker; eingelskra; eingelsku; Eingielska; Eingielskier; eingilsker; einglandi; einglandz; Elve; Engeland; Engelandh; Engelandt; Engelandth; Engelannd; Engelant; Engelanth; Engelantt; Engelisch; Engelischen; Engelischenn; Engelland; Engellandt; Engellant; Engellischen; Engelsce; Engelsch; Engelsche; Engelschen; Engelschenn; Engelscke; Engelscken; Engelsckenn; Engelshen; Engelsk; Engelske; Engelsken; Engelskenn; engelskier; engelskra; engelskæ; Engelssche; Engelsschen; Engelsschenn; Engelßken; engelszk; Engeländer; Enggeland; Enghelandt; enghelant; Enghelanth; enghelschen; England; Englant; Englanth; engleschen; englisch; Englische; Englischen; Englischer; Englischnn; English; englschen; englyshe; englysschen; Engælandh; ensker; Hamburg; Ingland; Inglish; Inglisman; Ongelischen; thynglisshe; Westwardischen; ængelskæ
Region/Country: Region/Land: , England
The kingdom of England consists of the southern part of the island of Great Britain. It was an important producer of wool and cloth during the Middle Ages, and its merchants were competitors of the Hanse in many places. In the beginning of the 15th century, they became active as fishermen and merchants in Iceland, after they disappeared from the trade with Bergen. England was merged with Scotland in the United Kingdom in 1707, after having shared a common king for more than a century.
Displaying records 51 tobis 60 ofvon 189 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
English complaint about attacks from Hamburg and Bremen men on the ship of Nicolas Gybson from London in the harbour Grenewick in Iceland, where after the Germans wanted to take stockfish which belonged to Gybson, they came during the night and killed 15 men on board.
Transcript available
1532, May 16
Robbert Legghe and other English merchants testify that they came to Botsand in Iceland in 1532, where Lutke Schmidt from Hamburg denied them access, so that they entered the harbour by force, together with Jon Willers, after which merchants from Haneforde mediated and settled the matter.
Transcript available
1532, May 16
Robbert Legghe and other English merchants testify that they have paid skipper Lutken Schmidt and his merchants from Hamburg compensation for the damage inflicted upon them in the harbour of Botsand in Iceland.
Transcript available
1532, July 18
Verdict of twelve Icelanders about the violence of the Germans against English merchant Jon Breye in Grindewick, which they deem rightful given the latter's violent behaviour against Icelanders and German merchants, as well as the confiscation of his ship by the bailiff Dirick van Minden.
Transcript available
1532, July 29
Eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in London to Hamburg: after the attacks of the English on Bremen and Hamburg merchants in Iceland, now merchants from Lynn have complained about how they were attacked by Lutke Schmidt's men in Iceland, who killed and wounded them and sank their ship. Therefore, eldermen of the Kontor and Hamburg merchants in England have to appear before the royal court, and it is asked to appropriate Lutke Schmidt's ship until the matter is settled.
Transcript available
[1532, after August 23]
Hamburg to king Henry VIII of England: reply to the complaint of English merchants from Lynn about Lutke Schmidt in Iceland, whom they have asked to send his version of the events, and hope that Germans and English can behave peacefully in Iceland.
Transcript available
1532, August 23
Lutke Schmidt to Hamburg: reply to the complaint of English merchants, in which he tells his version of the events in Iceland in 1532, when he arrived on March 30 with a ship in Botsand, and was visited by Thomas Hammon from Harwich, and the day after by Jon Willer from Lynn, who attacked him both.
Transcript available
1532, September 1
King Henry VIII of England to Hamburg: complaint about how London merchant Nicolaus Gybson was attacked in Grindewick in Iceland in May by 280 men from Hamburg and Bremen, who killed 15 of his men on board of the ship, confiscated his ship and goods, worth 1500 pounds. Therefore, compensation and punishment of those involved is demanded.
Transcript available
1532, September 7
Hamburg to king Henry VIII of England: state that they have heard from the Hanseatic Kontor in London about the complaints of merchants from Lynn and Harwich about damage inflicted to them by Lutke Schmidt from Hamburg in Iceland, and state that the English merchants have caused the conflict themselves by their unruly behaviour. Moreover, Lutke Schmidt has declared to be prepared to let a law court decide upon this, which should happen at the court of the Danish king, since Iceland belongs to him.
1532, September 9
Hamburg to the Hanseatic Kontor in London: the Kontor's secretary Matthias van Emersen has come to them and brought the English complaints, whereupon they send a copy of Lutke Schmidt's version of the events that happened in Iceland.
Displaying records 51 tobis 60 ofvon 189 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)