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1556, March 13
Hamburg merchants with Iceland to Hamburg: complain about the rising prices at home in the last years, although the prices in Iceland have remained the same, and therefore ask for the governour in Iceland to set a weight for fish, so that they will have a more honest value.
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1575, August 6
Eirikur Arnason states, that he has bought a barrel of iron (osemund) from Bernd Losekanne in Dupwage in Iceland, and left it there to collect it later, and that a piece of wadmal, which he left at the trading site, was not intended for Losekanne but for a Hamburg merchant named Matthias.
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1597, April 20
Gerdt Gerbade, Hinrich Albers and Albert Koster to Bremen: respond to the prohibition to sail to the harbour Stickingsholm in Iceland, for which they had received a license. Contrary to what the Oldenburg merchants claim, Stickingsholm is a different harbour from Neswage, and that the single ship of 35 last which the Oldenburg merchants use to sail to Iceland is not big enough to meet the demands of the locals. As they have already prepared their ships for this year's journey, they ask permission to use their rightful license at least for one more year.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)