Jochim Warneke
Joachim Warneke; Joachim Warneken; Jochim Warneke; Jochim Warneken; Jochym Warnekenn
Merchant from Hamburg
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1582, November 7
Berndt Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: complain about hindrance of Hamburg merchants in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, even though the Danish king had forbidden this, and asks for a new letter to governour Johan Bockholt to prevent this.
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1583, January 31
Bremen to governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland: after the king had asked Bockholt last year to prevent Hamburg merchants from hindering Bremen merchants Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, they have done so nevertheless and even increased their activities there. Therefore, it is asked again to prevent this.
Transcript available
[1583, February]
[Governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland to Hamburg]: explains how he has forbidden Hamburg merchants Simon Schmidt, Matthias Eggers, Jochim Focke and Jochim Warneke to use the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, after complaints of Bremen merchants Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer. However, they have traded there nevertheless, and therefore he asks again to prevent them from using the mentioned harbours.
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1583, February 28
[Bremen] to governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland: write how they are surprised that he asked the Hamburg and Bremen merchants who have a conflict about the harbour Ostforde to come to Althing this year to solve the matter, and ask again to forbid the Hamburg merchants to sail there, otherwise they will complain to the king of Denmark.
1587, November 9
Hamburg to king Frederick II of Denmark: request renewal of the licenses for the harbours Wapenforde, Grindewick and Ostfriedenes in Iceland, on behalf of Paul Lindeman, Bernd Osthof and Jochim Focke, which they had for two years before, as well as a new license for Dureshave and Rodershave in Langenes, which have become free, on behalf of Jochim Warneke.
1591, December 20
Daniel Elers and Hamburg merchants in Bernforde in Iceland to the Danish Council of the Realm: complaint about their fellow citizen Joachim Warneke, who traded illegally in Bernforde and bought train oil there. Therefore, their support in requested in acquiring compensation of the train oil.
Transcript available
Hans Elers to royal secretary Augustinus Erich: writes that lawman Jon Jonsson has asked him and Jurgen van Winsen to sail to the harbour Ruteforde in Iceland, and requests a license to do so. A license has been given in 1591 to Laurens Schroder and Jochim Holste, but they are not using it.
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