Albert Sivers
Alberdt Sivers; Albert Sivers; Albert Siverts; Albertt Sivers; Albrecht Sibartz; Sivers
Merchant from Hamburg
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1595, July 3
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Schavenforde in Iceland, on behalf of Albert Sivers, who has sailed there for many years, and the oldest son of Matthias Eggers, who drowned in the Elbe recently.
1595, July 3
Christoffer Bergerdorp and Hans Hering to Hamburg: request for a renewal of the license for the harbour Schavenforde in Iceland on behalf of their stepson and son-in-law Albert Sivers, who is currently there. The previous license was issued to Sivers' companion Matthias Eggers, who drowned in the Elbe on his way to Iceland. The new license should also be issued for Matthias Eggers's oldest son, who wants to sail along as well.
1595, August 22
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Hofsos in Iceland on behalf of Hans Eggers, the eldest son of the deceased Matthias Eggers, who drowned in the Elbe this year. Matthias's companion Albert Sivers sent a request as well.
1598, August 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Hofsos in Iceland on behalf of Albert Sivers and Hans Eggers, son of Matthias.
Transcript available
Overview of the harbours in use in Iceland and in which year their licenses expire, 1601-1603.
Transcript available
1603, April 8
Merchants who trade with Ruteforde to Hamburg: relate how they lost two ships in the last years, which forced them to leave their goods on Iceland for four years, and couldn't retrieve them because of the bad weather. Then the governor ordered them to sail back to Denmark, but a storm drove them to Hamburg, where they are not allowed to enter the harbour. Therefore, it is asked to land their goods to prevent even further damage.
Transcript available
1604, March 13
Alberdt Sivers to Hamburg: writes that he has received a letter from Helsingør merchants, asking him to sail for them to Ohrbach in Iceland, and asks the city council to permit him to leave from Lübeck to Iceland and to return to Hamburg.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)