Angl(icorum); Angli; Anglia; Angliae; Angliam; anglica; anglicanam; Anglicarum; Anglicas; Anglice; Anglici; Anglicis; Anglicj; Anglico; Anglicorum; Anglicos; Anglicum; Anglicus; Anglicæ; Anglie; Anglis; Angliæ; Anglorum; anglos; eingelska; Eingelske; eingelsker; eingelskra; eingelsku; Eingielska; Eingielskier; eingilsker; einglandi; einglandz; Elve; Engeland; Engelandh; Engelandt; Engelandth; Engelannd; Engelant; Engelanth; Engelantt; Engelisch; Engelischen; Engelischenn; Engelland; Engellandt; Engellant; Engellischen; Engelsce; Engelsch; Engelsche; Engelschen; Engelschenn; Engelscke; Engelscken; Engelsckenn; Engelshen; Engelsk; Engelske; Engelsken; Engelskenn; engelskier; engelskra; engelskæ; Engelssche; Engelsschen; Engelsschenn; Engelßken; engelszk; Engeländer; Enggeland; Enghelandt; enghelant; Enghelanth; enghelschen; England; Englant; Englanth; engleschen; englisch; Englische; Englischen; Englischer; Englischnn; English; englschen; englyshe; englysschen; Engælandh; ensker; Hamburg; Ingland; Inglish; Inglisman; Ongelischen; thynglisshe; Westwardischen; ængelskæ
Region/Country: Region/Land: , England
The kingdom of England consists of the southern part of the island of Great Britain. It was an important producer of wool and cloth during the Middle Ages, and its merchants were competitors of the Hanse in many places. In the beginning of the 15th century, they became active as fishermen and merchants in Iceland, after they disappeared from the trade with Bergen. England was merged with Scotland in the United Kingdom in 1707, after having shared a common king for more than a century.
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Transcript available
1416, May 24 - August 3
Proceedings of the Hanseatic Diet in Lübeck, in which the eldermen of the Bergen Kontor complain about German sailing to Orkney, Shetland, and the Faroes, after which the gathered envoys decide that this journey is forbidden.
Transcript available
1431, June 30
The Icelandic governor, lawmen and lawrightmen acknowledge King Erik of Pomerania as king of Iceland, and decide among others that foreign merchants are only allowed to trade with special permission of the king, and are not allowed to stay in winter.
Transcript available
1435, February 19
Danzig (Gda?sk)
Peter Dambecke confesses, that he has received the freight which he had earned with his ship from Iceland in England and gives the shipowners his part of the ship back.
Transcript available
Peter Karssche, Hans Brün, Claus Kruse and Arnd Negenradt confess, that they sailed from [Danzig] with skipper Peter Dambecke to Iceland, where they arrived three weeks after St James (c. 15 August 1434), at which time all the fish had already been bough by the English, whereupon they decided to stay over winter, but the skipper did not want this, and therefore the English bought up their commodities.
Fragment of a lawsuit of an unnamed bishop against skipper Peter Dambeke, in which it is complained by various merchants that Dambeke had left Iceland earlier than agreed and had left their commodities on land, which were spoilt or taken by the English. Therefore, a compensation is claimed of 500 English nobles.
Transcript available
1473, September 1
Complaints of Holland against the Wendish cities during negotiations in Utrecht, among others that two years earlier merchants from Amsterdam sailed to Hafnarfjörður in Iceland, where they encountered English merchants who had confiscated a German ship and captured the crew, whereupon the Germans were freed and taken back to Amsterdam, but nevertheless Peter Peterszon, one of the Amsterdam merchants, was later captured in Hamburg and condemned to pay compensation to the city.
Transcript available
The bishop of Bergen and others to King Henry of England: complain about the robbery of Hanseatic merchant Johannis Rorembergh in Iceland by English merchants, and demand that this act does not remain unpunished.
Transcript available
Treasurer accounts (Kämmereirechnungen) of the city of Hamburg, containing revenues and expenses of the two ships Hispanigerd and Grote Marie, which were fitted out by the city in cooperation with Diderich Vriensteen to sail to Iceland.
Transcript available
1476, March 7
The bishop of Bergen and the master of the royal chapter declare their support in favour of Hanseatic merchant Johannes Mønik and skipper Johannis Rørembergh, who have been robbed in Iceland by English merchants, and demand that this should not go unpunished.
Transcript available
1476, June 10
Gislo Johannis, bishop of Skálholt, and other Icelanders proclaim that the ship that was robbed by Bristol merchants in Iceland belonged to Bergen merchants, that the Lübeck merchants in Iceland have supported the governor with weapons against the English, and that the ship was left by the crew after it stranded.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)