Angl(icorum); Angli; Anglia; Angliae; Angliam; anglica; anglicanam; Anglicarum; Anglicas; Anglice; Anglici; Anglicis; Anglicj; Anglico; Anglicorum; Anglicos; Anglicum; Anglicus; Anglicæ; Anglie; Anglis; Angliæ; Anglorum; anglos; eingelska; Eingelske; eingelsker; eingelskra; eingelsku; Eingielska; Eingielskier; eingilsker; einglandi; einglandz; Elve; Engeland; Engelandh; Engelandt; Engelandth; Engelannd; Engelant; Engelanth; Engelantt; Engelisch; Engelischen; Engelischenn; Engelland; Engellandt; Engellant; Engellischen; Engelsce; Engelsch; Engelsche; Engelschen; Engelschenn; Engelscke; Engelscken; Engelsckenn; Engelshen; Engelsk; Engelske; Engelsken; Engelskenn; engelskier; engelskra; engelskæ; Engelssche; Engelsschen; Engelsschenn; Engelßken; engelszk; Engeländer; Enggeland; Enghelandt; enghelant; Enghelanth; enghelschen; England; Englant; Englanth; engleschen; englisch; Englische; Englischen; Englischer; Englischnn; English; englschen; englyshe; englysschen; Engælandh; ensker; Hamburg; Ingland; Inglish; Inglisman; Ongelischen; thynglisshe; Westwardischen; ængelskæ
Region/Country: Region/Land: , England
The kingdom of England consists of the southern part of the island of Great Britain. It was an important producer of wool and cloth during the Middle Ages, and its merchants were competitors of the Hanse in many places. In the beginning of the 15th century, they became active as fishermen and merchants in Iceland, after they disappeared from the trade with Bergen. England was merged with Scotland in the United Kingdom in 1707, after having shared a common king for more than a century.
Displaying records 41 tobis 50 ofvon 189 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1527, July 2
The bishops, governor, lawmen and lawrightmen in Iceland testify that German and English merchants at Althing have confirmed the measures and weights to be used in trading, and promised not to stay in winter, except in the case of shipwreck, or for young boys. It is requested that Hamburg will send a letter to confirm these regulations.
Transcript available
1527, July 2
Skippers and merchants from Hamburg, Bremen and England in Iceland testify that they have confirmed at Althing the measures and weights to be used in trading, and promised not to stay in winter, except in the case of shipwreck, or for young boys. It is requested that Hamburg will send a letter to confirm these regulations.
Summary of attacks of the English on the ships of Cordt Froudendal, Hinrick van Ronne, Hans Schomaker in 1528 and Cordt van der Heyde from Hamburg in various harbours in Iceland.
Transcript available
1528, September 16
Hamburg to king Henry VIII of England: complain about attacks of English merchants on the ship of Hans Schomaker in Ríf in Iceland, for which compensation is demanded.
Note about Hamburg merchant Hans Hughe who came to the harbour Reff in Iceland on May 23, and found out that an English merchant from Harwich had bought the fish destined for him.
Transcript available
1532, [Summer]
Skippers and merchants in Hafnarfjörður to [German merchants in Iceland]: complain that the English in Grindewick have taken the fish which they have bought before, and plan to use violence against them to make them pay, and ask for a quick reply.
Transcript available
Lenghty complaint of Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland, who misbehave both towards German merchants and the Icelanders, are involved in fishing activities, rob the merchants of their ships and goods, and have attacked them on multiple occasions between 1486 and 1532.
Summary of the letter of Hamburg to the English king, which was given with Bartholomeus van der Linden.
Transcript available
Treasurer accounts (Kämmereirechnungen) of the city of Hamburg, containing expenses for the negotiations in Segeberg with Thomas Lee, English representative, about the conflict between merchants from Hamburg and England in Iceland.
Transcript available
[King's Lynn]
Johan Browne, William Kenneth and Johan Sowermere, merchants in King's Lynn, to king Henry VIII of England: complain about the attacks of Lutke Schmidt and his crew on English merchants in the harbour Botsand in Iceland, whereby two English died, and request to capture four Hamburg ships in the Thames, so that the damage can be compensated and the perpetrators punished.
Displaying records 41 tobis 50 ofvon 189 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)