Angl(icorum); Angli; Anglia; Angliae; Angliam; anglica; anglicanam; Anglicarum; Anglicas; Anglice; Anglici; Anglicis; Anglicj; Anglico; Anglicorum; Anglicos; Anglicum; Anglicus; Anglicæ; Anglie; Anglis; Angliæ; Anglorum; anglos; eingelska; Eingelske; eingelsker; eingelskra; eingelsku; Eingielska; Eingielskier; eingilsker; einglandi; einglandz; Elve; Engeland; Engelandh; Engelandt; Engelandth; Engelannd; Engelant; Engelanth; Engelantt; Engelisch; Engelischen; Engelischenn; Engelland; Engellandt; Engellant; Engellischen; Engelsce; Engelsch; Engelsche; Engelschen; Engelschenn; Engelscke; Engelscken; Engelsckenn; Engelshen; Engelsk; Engelske; Engelsken; Engelskenn; engelskier; engelskra; engelskæ; Engelssche; Engelsschen; Engelsschenn; Engelßken; engelszk; Engeländer; Enggeland; Enghelandt; enghelant; Enghelanth; enghelschen; England; Englant; Englanth; engleschen; englisch; Englische; Englischen; Englischer; Englischnn; English; englschen; englyshe; englysschen; Engælandh; ensker; Hamburg; Ingland; Inglish; Inglisman; Ongelischen; thynglisshe; Westwardischen; ængelskæ
Region/Country: Region/Land: , England
The kingdom of England consists of the southern part of the island of Great Britain. It was an important producer of wool and cloth during the Middle Ages, and its merchants were competitors of the Hanse in many places. In the beginning of the 15th century, they became active as fishermen and merchants in Iceland, after they disappeared from the trade with Bergen. England was merged with Scotland in the United Kingdom in 1707, after having shared a common king for more than a century.
Displaying records 61 tobis 70 ofvon 189 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1532, September 10
Eldermen of the Hanseatic Kontor in London to Hamburg: Thomas Cromwell has complained about attacks of Hamburg and Bremen merchants on the ship of English merchant Nicolas Gybson in the harbour Grindewick, whereby they killed 15 men on board and confiscated the ship. It is demanded that Hamburg settles the matter with Cromwell, in order not to endanger the Kontor's position in England.
1532, September 30
Tonnies Pingsten, Hinrick Martins and Lutke Schmidt to bailiff Dirick tho Bramstede in Iceland: ask for his support in the conflict with the English about the violence in Iceland.
Transcript available
1532,October 13
King Frederick I of Denmark to king Henry VIII of England: in response to English complaints about violence of Hamburg and Bremen merchants against them in Iceland, it is stated that the English behaved unlawfully against the local population, and therefore the Germans were only helping the governour to punish the English. Therefore, it is asked to excuse them and to refrain from measures against German merchants in England.
Transcript available
1532, October 21
Hamburg to king Henry VIII of England: in response to complaints of Nicolaus Gybson, whose ship was attacked by Hamburg and Bremen merchants in Iceland last summer, it is stated that the English misbehaved and that the German merchants were only helping the Danish governour to punish them.
1532, October 23
Hamburg to Bremen: as the attacks on English merchants in Iceland last summer were done on order of the Danish governour, the matter has been passed on to the Danish king, and they send Bartholomeus van der Linden, secretary of the London Kontor, with a copy of the letter to the English king.
1532, October 23
Hamburg to the Hanseatic Kontor in London: Hamburg and Bremen merchants have assisted the Danish governour in Iceland against English merchants last summer, and the Kontor's secretary Bartholomeus van der Linden will bring a copy of Hamburg's reply to the complaints of the English king. Also, the merchants who will sail to Iceland next year have been ordered to behave peacefully towards the English there.
1532, October 30
Tonnies Pingsten, Hinrick Martins and Lutke Schmidt to bailiff Dirick tho Bramstede in Iceland: repeated request for his support in the conflict with the English about the violence in Iceland.
Transcript available
1532, November 6
Dirick tho Bramstede, governour of Iceland, testifies to the Bremen city council, that the Bremen skippers Baedtke Duerkoep and Herman Buerman, who were involved in the attacks on the English in Iceland, were helping the bailiff Dirick van Minden and not acting on their own initiative.
Transcript available
1532, November 14
Hamburg to the Hanseatic Kontor in London: in reaction to the Icelandic fish that was confiscated from Hamburg merchants because the English claimed it was theirs, the council cannot help as the matter is dealt with at the Danish court.
Transcript available
1532, November 16
Hamburg to king Henry VIII of England: in response to the confiscation of Icelandic fish from Fredericus Ostra and his son Henning in London, Johan Stemmelman and Johan Petersen have testified that they had sold them the fish, which they had acquired themselves honestly from Icelanders in the harbour Botsand.
Displaying records 61 tobis 70 ofvon 189 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)