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1535, February 27
Hamburg merchants with Iceland to Hamburg: repeat the complaints about the behaviour of the English against them in Iceland on various occasions, but accept the outcome of the negotiations in Segeberg, although they were not sufficiently compensated.
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1578, March 11
The judges of the imperial lower court of Bremen declare, that Erikur Arnason from Iceland has appeared before them and complained about a number of stockfish he sold to Heine Ratkens, of which 500 were sold in Bremen, and the rest Ratkens left in Iceland.
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1592, October 10
Hamburg merchants with Iceland to Hamburg: complaints about the behaviour of the English merchants and fishermen in and around Iceland, who fish so much that nothing is left for the Icelanders and German merchants, attack German ships and trade illegally.
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The Court Book of Shetland 1602-1604, containing records of law courts held at parish and country levels. Among others it concerns financial transactions of many German merchants in harbours around the country, cases of conflict between merchants and violence at trading sites.
1602, August 30
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: witness accounts of eight persons who sailed with Johan Holtgreve from Helsingør to Spakenefeldshovede in Iceland, who was accused by Copenhagen merchants that he interfered with their business by visiting the harbour Botsand. They tell how they could not reach Spakenefeldtshovede because of the sea ice, and were welcomed by the locals in Botsand because the Danish merchants in Kibbelwick would not trade with them.
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1610, January 19
Hamburg to King Christian IV of Denmark: because Heinrich Krack was accused of having traded illegally in Iceland in 1609, he was brought to court in Hamburg, where he declared that he had been fishing near Shetland and the Faroes, and because he had caught too little and was driven by a storm to Iceland, he was forced to trade a little there to make a living. Therefore, it is asked to refrain from further prosecution.
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1661, November 12
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complaint about the unrightful collecting of excises on salt and beer, which is brought but not sold there, by Gideon and David Murray in Shetland, and request for mediation with the English king for compensation of the suffered losses and prevention of these excises in the future.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)