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[1533, February]
Detailed summary of the damages inflicted by the Germans to English ships in Iceland, with sums of the claims indicated, as presented by the English representative Thomas Lee during negotiations with Hamburg.
[Hamburg merchants with Iceland] complain that in 1547, governor Lorentz Mule in Iceland has confiscated fish in Ackernisse from Henrich Kopman, although he had permission to leave one of his servants on the island, and from merchants in Wespenow, and sold their fish to English merchants. The damage is estimated at 733 daler, which should be repaid.
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1566, March 29
Herman Schomaker and Herman Krechting to Joachim Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: request for mediation with the king for a license to use the harbours Kibbelwick and Grindewick in Iceland.
Transcript available
1577, March 19
Jurgen Timme to Bremen: complaint against the skipper Rolof Gerdes, who was supposed to sail from Hamburg to Iceland with commodities from Holstein and Denmark. Gerdes later changed his mind, although Timme had already bought many commodities, and now asks for compensation.
Transcript available
1646, February - 1647, December
Register of ships, skippers, freighters and cargoes sailing between Hamburg and Shetland that paid the admiralty toll in the harbour of Hamburg.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)