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1562, March 23
King Frederick II of Denmark to all who live in northern Iceland: announces that his own merchant will buy all train oil produced in Iceland, and forbids them to sell any of it to foreigners. A similar letter is sent to southern Iceland.
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1563, January 31
King Frederick II of Denmark to Hamburg: request to send a list of goods on board of the ship that was arrested with sulfur from Iceland in the Elbe.
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1563, February 5
King Frederick II of Denmark to Hamburg: asks to refrain from trading in the harbours Stappe, Reff, and Grundeforde in the West of Iceland, because Danish merchants are trading there now.
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1564, September 13
King Frederick II of Denmark to [Joachim] Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: has granted Bremen merchants, who had complained about hindrance by Hamburg merchants in the harbour Bodenstede in Iceland, the use of the said harbour, and almost completely forbade Hamburg merchants to sail to Iceland.
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1565, January 28
King Frederick II of Denmark to counselors Magnus Gyldenstern, Johan Friis and Borge Trolle: has allowed Hamburg merchants to sail to Iceland again this year, but not to the harbour Hofsas, or to any harbour that is in use by Danish merchants.
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1566, March 3
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Jochim Wichman from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Haneforde in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will not trade with sulfur, trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
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1567, January 29
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Christoffer Vogler, scribe of Segeberg castle, to trade with the harbour Dyreforde in Iseforde in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will not trade sulfur and fish oil, trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
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1567, February 1
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: Heinrich Mumme from Copenhagen, who has a license for the harbour Ostforde, complained about interference from Christoffer Meyer from Bremen, and the king asks to refrain from this illegal trade.
1567, May 4
King Frederick II of Denmark announces, that he has sent Copenhagen merchant Hans Nielsen to Germany to buy commodities for the people in Iceland.
1571, March 24
King Frederick II of Denmark to governour Johan Bockholt in Iceland: states that Copenhagen burgomaster Marcus Hes, who let a ship sail to the harbour Botsand in Iceland, has complained about interference of Hamburg merchants there, and asks to not allow this anymore.
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1571, October 25
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Claus Lude from Bremen to trade with the harbour Grindewick in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1577, May 3
King Frederick II of Denmark declares, that he has renewed the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which was given to Bernd Losekanne before but who has misbehaved, on behalf of Bremen merchant Christoffer Meyer.
1581, October 27
King Frederick II of Denmark to Christoffer Valckendorff: Jochim Thim, the royal factor in Hamburg, who has a license to trade in the Faroes, has appeared before the king together with Magnus Heinason, who held a license before and would like to keep it. Because the Faroese have often complained about the lack of ships and imported commodities, it is decided to let them share a license, together with a citizen from Copenhagen.
1581, November 1
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Jochim Thim from Hamburg, Magnus Heinason from Bergen and Jörgen Kyd from Copenhagen to trade exclusively in the Faroes for five years, on the condition that they trade with commodities of good quality and bring the taxes and levies to Copenhagen.
1594, November 20
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: the count should have been more concerned with the situation in Iceland in the past. Now the license for the harbour Neswage has been given to Bremen and cannot be made undone, but if the count will request a new license after the current license expires, the king will gladly grant it to him.
1596, March 29
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: permits him to use the harbours Neswage and Kummerwage in Iceland, but not the harbour Grundeforde, as was requested, as this harbour was not used by Oldenburg before and has therefore been licensed to John Adolf, archbishop of Bremen.
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1601, November 27
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: answer to their complaints about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade, that he will not change his mind.
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