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Lenghty complaint of Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland, who misbehave both towards German merchants and the Icelanders, are involved in fishing activities, rob the merchants of their ships and goods, and have attacked them on multiple occasions between 1486 and 1532.
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[1533, February 4]
Introduction to the Hamburg complaints against the English in Iceland, as presented during negotiations with the English representative.
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1533, February 5
Reply of the English representative to the Hamburg complaints about the behaviour of the English in Iceland.
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1533, February 5
Answer of Hamburg's city council to the complaints by the English representative about the violence of Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland.
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1533, February 15-17
Proceedings of the negotiations between the representatives of the city of Hamburg and the English representative in Segeberg, about the violent attacks of German merchants on the English in Iceland.
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1533, February [16]
Final response to the English negotiator in Segeberg, in which it is stated that the violence of Hamburg and Bremen merchants against the English in Iceland was a rightful punishment of their bad behaviour on the island.
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1533, February 22
Defenses of Lutke Smidt and Hans Hughe from Hamburg, about the violent events involving them and English merchants in Iceland the previous year, where Smidt got into a conflict with Robert Legghe about the use of the harbour Bussand, and Hughe about an amount of fish with a certain Roland in Gammelwick.
[1533, February 22]
Lenghty complaint of Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland, who misbehave both towards German merchants and the Icelanders, are involved in fishing activities, rob the merchants of their ships and goods, and have attacked them on multiple occasions between 1486 and 1532.
1602, November 27
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a copy of the license for the harbour Walforde in Iceland on behalf of Heinrich Gerbrandt, Paul Focke, Michael Brautigam, Claus Makebusch, Johan Rentzel, Tonies Rode and Heinrich Smidt, after Rode and Smidt lost the license in 1601 during a shipwreck on the way back from Iceland, at which occasion skipper Joachim Greve died.
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