Alemannia; Allemannia; deudeschen; deutsch; deutsche; Deutschem; Deutschen; Deutschlanden; Deutschlandt; Deutschlant; deutzsch; Duche; Ducheman; Duchemen; Duchman; Dudesch; dudesche; Dudeschelannth; Dudeschen; Dudescher; dudesck; dudescken; Dudeskenn; dudesker; dudessche; Dudesschelandt; dudesschen; dudesscher; Dudesshen; Dudeszchen; dudeszke; dudeszken; Dudsche; Dudsken; Dudszker; Dudtske; Duetschen; Duiitscher; Duitzschen; dusschen; Dutch; Dutche; Dutcheman; Dutchemen; Dutches; Dutchman; Dutchmen; Dutchmenis; Dutchmens; Dutsche; Dutschen; Dutscher; Dutske; Dutsken; Dutzsch; Dutzschen; Dutzscken; Duutscher; Duytscher; Dydesche; engelschen; Esterlinck; Esterlinge; Ge(r)manie; German; Germanica; germanicas; Germanicis; Germanicorum; Germanis; Germanos; Germans; Germany; Hamburg; Oesterschen; Oisterlinge; Oisterlingen; Oosterlinge; Oosterlingen; Oostersche; Osterschen; Teutonica; Teutsche; Teutschen; Teutschenn; Teutscher; Theutonice; Thyske; Tydske; Tydskene; Tydskenes; Tydskernes; Tydsklandt; Tyske; Tyskis; Tysland; Welschlandt; þidzku; þydsker; þyska; þysker; þyskier; þyskra; þysku; þyskum; þysska; Þýzka
Region/Country: Region/Land: Germany, Holy Roman Empire
Germany is chosen as a pragmatic term here, as the country known as Germany today did not exist in the 15th and 16th century. Instead there was a plethora of larger and smaller royalties, only formally ruled by a king or the (Holy Roman) emperor. However, documents often refers to German merchants or Germany as a geographical region. In this context, usually the Low German Sprachraum, roughly modern-day Northern Germany, is meant here.
Displaying records 121 tobis 125 ofvon 125 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
Note of tolls and customs received from Hamburg and Bremen merchants in Shetland.
Transcript available
Overview of the tolls of the German merchants trading in Shetland in 1654, with note of the amounts received.
Transcript available
After 1682
Notes about the history of foreign trade in the Faroes in the 16th and 17th century.
Transcript available
1685, September 10
Inventory of the bonds of German merchants in Shetland for butter and oil duties for the year 1684, written by taxman Charles Murray.
Transcript available
1686, October 6
Inventory of the bonds of German merchants in Shetland for butter and oil duties for the year 1685, written by taxman Charles Murray.
Displaying records 121 tobis 125 ofvon 125 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)