coarse salt; grob Saltz; grob solt; huidt saltt; sal; salis; salltz; salt; saltes; saltz; saltzeß; salz; soldt; solt; soltes; weiss saltz; weiß saltz
Displaying records 21 tobis 30 ofvon 90 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1646, February - 1647, December
Register of ships, skippers, freighters and cargoes sailing between Hamburg and Shetland that paid the admiralty toll in the harbour of Hamburg.
Transcript available
1653, February 28
Bremen to the States General of the Dutch Republic: request for free passage to Shetland for the two ships of Herman Deetken and Jasper Büsing, during the war with England.
Transcript available
1653, April 18
The city council of Bremen declares that Herman Deetken will sail to Shetland and return in autumn with fish on board, and asks all to give him free and unhindered passage as a neutral person.
Transcript available
1661, August 20
Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Dirick Kuning, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland, and for additional expenses in collecting the excises.
Transcript available
1661, August 21
Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Jasper Hackeman, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland.
Transcript available
1661, August 23
Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Herman Detken, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland, and for additional expenses in collecting the excises.
Transcript available
1661, November 12
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complaint about the unrightful collecting of excises on salt and beer, which is brought but not sold there, by Gideon and David Murray in Shetland, and request for mediation with the English king for compensation of the suffered losses and prevention of these excises in the future.
Transcript available
1661, November 20
Bremen to Jacob Jacobsen, Hanseatic consul in London: sends him the complaint of the Bremen merchants about salt excise in Shetland, with the request to have it translated into English and to further the matter in the English government.
Transcript available
Note of complaints by Hamburg merchants to the king, about forced exactions of duties by David and Gideon Murray in Shetland. They ask for compensation of the damage and future royal protection of their trade.
Transcript available
1671, October 26
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complain about the recent rise in customs in Shetland, which makes the trade there unprofitable, and requests mediation with the Scottish Privy Council to abolish or reduce these customs.
Displaying records 21 tobis 30 ofvon 90 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)