Frederichsborch; Frederichsborg; Frederichsborgh; Frederichsporch; Fredericksborch; Frederiksborg; Fredrichsborg; Freiderichsburg; Freireicks borch; Friderichsb[org]; Friderichsburg; Friderichsburgk; Fridirchsburg; Fridrichsburg; Friederichsborch; Friederichsburg; Friederichsburgk; Friedrichsborch; Friedrichsburg; Friedrichßburg
Region/Country: Region/Land: Sjælland, Denmark
Castle in Hillerød, north of Copenhagen. The estate was acquired by king Frederick II in 1560, after whom the castle is named. His son Christian IV had a new Renaissance palace erected.
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Transcript available
1578, January 20
Stade merchants with Iceland to Joachim Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: relate how they requested a license for the harbours Iseforde and Patersforde in Iceland, but the latter was confused with Alteforde. When they arrived in Iceland with two ships, they were not allowed in the Patersforde. Therefore, intercession with the king is asked to correct this.
1581, October 27
King Frederick II of Denmark to Christoffer Valckendorff: Jochim Thim, the royal factor in Hamburg, who has a license to trade in the Faroes, has appeared before the king together with Magnus Heinason, who held a license before and would like to keep it. Because the Faroese have often complained about the lack of ships and imported commodities, it is decided to let them share a license, together with a citizen from Copenhagen.
1581, November 1
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Jochim Thim from Hamburg, Magnus Heinason from Bergen and Jörgen Kyd from Copenhagen to trade exclusively in the Faroes for five years, on the condition that they trade with commodities of good quality and bring the taxes and levies to Copenhagen.
Transcript available
1582, March 6
King Frederick II of Denmark to [governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland]: because Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne, who have a license to use the harbour Ostforde, have complained about interference of Hamburg merchants in their business, it is asked to prevent this.
Transcript available
Summary of the petitions and complaints of Hamburg and Bremen merchants regarding the conflict between Daniel Elers from Hamburg and Marten Losekanne from Bremen about the harbours Ostforde and Bernforde in Iceland.
1594, November 20
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: the count should have been more concerned with the situation in Iceland in the past. Now the license for the harbour Neswage has been given to Bremen and cannot be made undone, but if the count will request a new license after the current license expires, the king will gladly grant it to him.
1596, March 29
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: permits him to use the harbours Neswage and Kummerwage in Iceland, but not the harbour Grundeforde, as was requested, as this harbour was not used by Oldenburg before and has therefore been licensed to John Adolf, archbishop of Bremen.
1601, October 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade for foreigners, which is unfair because they have always served the local population well, and it damages the involved merchants, who still have many outstanding debts, and the poor and sick who depend on the confraternity of Iceland merchants.
Transcript available
1601, November 27
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: answer to their complaints about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade, that he will not change his mind.
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© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)