Cummer; Cummerwag; Cummerwage; Cummerwagen; Kombarewoge; Kombarwage; Kombarwog; Kommerwoge; Kommerwoghe; Kumbaravogur; Kumbare woge; Kumerwage; Kummer; Kummerwag; Kummerwage; Kummerwagen; Kummerwoge; Kummerwogenn; Kummerwoghe; Kummerwäge; Kummewage
Region/Country: Region/Land: Snæfellsnes, Iceland
Harbour on the Northern shore of the Snæfellsnes peninsula, frequented mainly by Bremen merchants until the 1580s, and later by Oldenburg merchants. Ruins believed to be the trading station at Kumbaravogur are situated near Bjarnarhöfn.
Displaying records 31 tobis 40 ofvon 77 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1580, November 16
Joachim Kolling declares, that he has received a license to use the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland from the king of Denmark with help from count John VII of Oldenburg, and that he has fitted out a ship together with 16 ship owners, and will behave like an honest merchant.
Transcript available
1580, November 24
Joachim Kolling to Roleff Gerdes: if Heine Ratken, who complained about 1000 gulden damage, has a problem with Kolling, he should sue him and not Gerdes, as he has done twice. Moreover, he has brought Ratken's letter to the governour of Iceland.
Transcript available
1580, December 1
Johan Munsterman's widow and companions to Bremen: complain about how after the death of Johan Munsterman, Joachim Kolling from Jever has taken over the trade with the harbour Kummerwage, and asks that the king will forbid him this.
Transcript available
1580, December 3
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: the widow and companions of the deceased Johan Munsterman have complained about Joachim Kolling from Jever, who has acquired a license for the harbour Kummerwage under false pretenses, because Munsterman, who had used the harbour before, had shipwrecked. Therefore, it is requested to return the license to Munsterman's heirs.
Transcript available
1581, July 13
Johan Bockholt to Bremen: Heine Ratken has traded illegally in Kummerwage in Iceland, which is licensed to Joachim Kolling. Kolling must have found the letter from Ratken to his wife, in which he spoke badly about Bockholt, in Rolof Gerdes's house and brought it to Bockholt in anger. Gerdes has nothing to do with it, and Bockholt never forbade Ratken to come to Iceland because of the letter.
1583, September 6
Prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: reminds him that he promised to see if the harbour Reff in Iceland was available, and if not if the king can grant permission to use Neswage in the meantime, until Reff becomes available.
Transcript available
1583, September 27
Johan Koster and Evert Hoveman to prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen: complain that merchants from Bremen were driven from Kummerwage by Oldenburg merchants after the shipwreck of Johan Munsterman and by Hamburg merchants from other harbours. Last year the Bremen skipper Dirick Vasmer, who was on his way to Neswage, suffered damage to his ship and had to return to Bremen, and therefore it is feared that other merchants will use this opportunity to take over this harbour as well. Therefore, the bishop is asked to mediate at the Danish court to secure Neswage for Bremen.
1585, February 13
Count John VII of Oldenburg to the Danish king: Joachim Kolling, who had the license for the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland, has proved to be unreliable. Therefore, the count requests a renewal for the harbour on his own name, including the harbours Neswage and Grundeforde, as well as a prohibition for the Bremen skipper Bruning Nagel, who sailed for the archbishop of Bremen to both harbours.
Transcript available
Account book of the Oldenburg merchants trading with Iceland, containing a list of collected capital from the shipowners and merchants, directions and expenses for brewing beer, and hire amounts for the crew. Four loose leaves contain older accounts, among others for the purchase and equipment of a ship.
1585, March 18
King Frederik II of Denmark permits count John VII of Oldenburg to trade with the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
Displaying records 31 tobis 40 ofvon 77 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)