B(remen); Brahame; Brame; Bream; Breame; Breamer; Breheme; Brehmen; Brehmenn; Brehmisch; Brehmische; Brehmischen; breimin; Brema; Bremar; Bremarr; breme; Breme(n); Bremem; Bremen; Bremenn; Bremens; Bremenses; Bremensi; Bremensibus; Bremensis; bremensium; Bremenszis; Bremer; Bremere; Bremeren; Bremerenn; Bremerer; Bremern; Bremernn; Bremers; Bremerß; Bremes; Bremeschenn; Bremische; Bremischen; Bremischenn; Bremischer; Bremisches; Bremmenn; Bremmer; Bremois; Bremskrar; bremum; Breymen
Region/Country: Region/Land: Bremen, Holy Roman Empire
Bremen, a harbour city on the river Weser, is first mentioned in the 8th century, and became as archbishopric a clerical centre for the Christianisation of Northern Europe. It later became an important trading centre, and as such steered a growing independent course from the bishop, although it did not always have the status of Free Imperial City. It was among the most important members of the Hanse, until the last Hanseatic Diet.
Displaying records 381 tobis 390 ofvon 403 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1653, February 28
Bremen to the States General of the Dutch Republic: request for free passage to Shetland for the two ships of Herman Deetken and Jasper Büsing, during the war with England.
Transcript available
1653, April 18
The city council of Bremen declares that Herman Deetken will sail to Shetland and return in autumn with fish on board, and asks all to give him free and unhindered passage as a neutral person.
Transcript available
Note of tolls and customs received from Hamburg and Bremen merchants in Shetland.
Transcript available
1659, October 6
Herman Hausman and Henrich Eiling, councillors in Bremen, confirm that they have heard the testimonies of Herman Brunings, Gerdt and Segebad Detken, Herman Segelcken and Cort Lubbers, crew members on the ship of Herman Detken, about how they had to throw cargo overboard to save their ship in a storm on the return journey from Shetland. Also contains the testimony of Herman Detken himself.
Transcript available
1661, August 21
Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Jasper Hackeman, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland.
Transcript available
1661, August 21
Quittance of David Murray for Bremen merchant Hinrich Lanckenaw, for excise paid on salt which he imported to and used in Shetland.
Transcript available
1661, August 31
Lunda Wick
Twelve nobles and churchmen in Unst, Shetland, confirm that Herman and Gerdt Detken and their predecessors, citizens from Bremen, have been honest and faithful merchants, and have supported the church and people of Shetland.
Transcript available
1661, November 12
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complaint about the unrightful collecting of excises on salt and beer, which is brought but not sold there, by Gideon and David Murray in Shetland, and request for mediation with the English king for compensation of the suffered losses and prevention of these excises in the future.
Transcript available
1661, November 20
Bremen to Jacob Jacobsen, Hanseatic consul in London: sends him the complaint of the Bremen merchants about salt excise in Shetland, with the request to have it translated into English and to further the matter in the English government.
1661, November 20
Bremen to king Charles II of Great Britain: relate how their citizens were treated unfairly in Shetland, and have ordered the Hanseatic consul in London, Jacob Jacobsen, to resolve this matter, to compensate their damage, and to make sure that it will not happen again in the future.
Displaying records 381 tobis 390 ofvon 403 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)