Beerfordt; Beerfortt; Berefiord; Bërefiorde; Berefiordt; Berefiort; Berefiortt; Berefiørt; Bereforde; Bereførde; Berenfiord; Berenfiort; Berfoerde; Berföer; Bernefiort; Bernfiord; Bernfiordschen; Bernfiordt; Bernfiorschen; Bernfiort; Bernfiortschen; Bernfiortt; Bernforde; Bernfort; Bernfortt; Bernfoyrt; Berufiordur; Berufirdi; Berufjörður; Bredeforde; Oestforde; Oestfordes sußell; Oestfordt; Offiordt; Oist; Oistfardes Sußell; Oistfiordt; Oistfiort; Oistfiortt; Oistfiortt sußell; Oistfoirtt; Oistforde; Oistforde sußell; Oistfordes suißell; Oistfordes sussel; Oistfordeß sueßell; Oistfort; Oistfort sußell; Oistfortt; Oistfortt sußell; Oistfoyrtt; Oistförde; Oost; Osefiort; Oßenfortt; Oßfortt; Ost; Ost fiorde; Ostenforth; Oster fiordunge; Osterforden; Ostfioerdt; Ostfiord; Ostfiorde; Ostfiordt; Ostfiort; Ostfiort in Ostfiortsissel; Ostfiortschen ; Ostfiortt; Ostfiørd; Ostfiørt; Ostfoerde; Ostfohrde; Ostford; Ostforde; Ostforde Sußell; Ostfordsussel; Ostfordt; Ostfort; Ostfort suissel; Ostforth; Ostfortsußell; Ostfortt; Ostfortt Sussell; Ostfyordt; Ostvöhrde; Papie; Pappø; sißell Ostförde; Østfiord; Østfiordsyssel
Region/Country: Region/Land: Eastern Iceland, Iceland
Fjord in Eastern Iceland, which was in use by Bremen merchants under the name "Ostforde", and by Hamburg merchants under the name "Bernforde", which led to decades of conflict between the two groups of merchants in the late 16th century.
Displaying records 81 tobis 90 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
1591, December
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: asks on behalf of Bremen merchants to protect their interests in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland and to forbid the Hamburg merchants from sailing there.
Transcript available
1591, between December 12 and 29
Representative of the Hamburg merchants with Bernforde to the Danish Council of the Realm: reply to complaints from the Bremen representative in the conflict about the use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde in Iceland, in which he states that although the Bremen merchants have a license for Ostforde, this refers to a quarter of the entire land and not to a specific harbour like Bernforde.
1591, December 5
Marten Losekanne and Johan Oldenbuttel to prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen: complain that they have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for over 80 years, and now Daniel Elers from Hamburg has received a license for the harbour Bernforde, which is in fact the same harbour, and ask for mediation at the Danish court.
1591, December 20
Daniel Elers and Hamburg merchants in Bernforde in Iceland to the Danish Council of the Realm: complaint about their fellow citizen Joachim Warneke, who traded illegally in Bernforde and bought train oil there. Therefore, their support in requested in acquiring compensation of the train oil.
1592, January 4
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Marten Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1595, November 16
Skipper Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, Johan Reineken's widow and children to Bremen: request for a prolongation of the four-year license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland.
1595, December 2
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request a renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johan Reineken's widow and children.
1596, January 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne (later changed to Johan and Friedrich Wilkens) and Johan Reineke's widow from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for three years.
before 1598, June 20
Joachim Menges to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, on behalf of Jacob Fincken from Flensburg, who was merchant in the service of the deceased Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers, who held the previous license. Also a request to write to England for measures against Welshman Peter Maar, who interfered with their business in Iceland.
1598, June 20
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Jacob Fincken from Flensburg to trade with the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, which was formerly used by the deceased Daniel Elers from Hamburg, for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
Displaying records 81 tobis 90 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)