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1566, June 17
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Henrick Mumme to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
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1567, February 1
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: Heinrich Mumme from Copenhagen, who has a license for the harbour Ostforde, complained about interference from Christoffer Meyer from Bremen, and the king asks to refrain from this illegal trade.
1567, February 28
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: answer to the complaint of Heinrich Mumme, in which they state that their subjects have sailed to Ostforde in Iceland for 70 years, still have many outstanding debts, and ask for continued permission to sail there.
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1567, August 21
Eirikur Arnason confesses that he has set the trade (kaupsetning) in Ostforde with Bernd Losekanne, skipper and merchant, and Reineken Strotman, merchant, and their folk, who had a license from Peter Withfeld, and that the merchants in the Wapenforde have behaved themselves badly.
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1567, September 26
Instruction for Tyleman Zerneman, who is sent by the Bremen city council to the king of Denmark to ask for reduction of the tolls to be paid for harbours in Iceland because of the bad fish catches of the last year, and licenses for the harbours Bodenstede, Stappe, Kummerwage, and Ostforde, and for reduction of the Sound toll on behalf of the city's Bergen merchants.
1568, January 30
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: repeated complaint about Hamburg merchants, who have a license to trade in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, but which Bremen merchants have used for more than 60 years, and request to keep using the harbour.
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1568, March 4
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: forbids Bernd Losekanne to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, after Heinrich Mumme, who holds the license for the said harbour, has complained about Losekanne's interference there.
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[1568, before March 4]
Heinrich Mumme to king Frederick II of Denmark: complains about Bernd Losekanne from Bremen, who has hindered him once again in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, even though the king has forbidden him to do so the year before.
1568, April 5
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: answer to the prohibition for Bernd Losekanne to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, after complaints of Heinrich Mumme. Also about the Sound toll.
1569, February 14
Instruction for Thomas Haverkamp and Tyleman Zerneman, representatives of the city council of Bremen to the Danish king, to discuss among others the Sound toll on behalf of the Bergen merchants and the permission for Bremen merchants to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland.
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1569, April 2
King Frederick II of Denmark declares that he has permitted Bernd Losekanne from Bremen to sail to Ostforde or Pappie in Iceland, to which Heinrich Mumme has sailed before, under the condition that Mumme can still use the harbour in 1570.
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[1576, after February 13]
Bernd Losekanne to [Bremen]: final plea against Christoffer Meyer, in which he explains that three of his trading partners mutinied against him in Iceland, and although he had the right as skipper to expel the mutineers from the company, they conspired against him, so that he was forced to leave the company and fit out a ship himself. That being the case, he has as much right as his former trading partners to use the harbour Ostforde, especially since the trade with Iceland has been freed from restrictions, but if they really insist on prohibiting him to use the Ostforde, they themselves are not welcome in Roderforde, the harbour he used last year.
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1576, October 28
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: request to renew the license to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland. The license was formerly given to Bernd Losekanne, and should now be transferred to Christoffer Meyer.
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[1576, ca. October 28]
Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: request for mediation with the Danish king to transfer and extend the license to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which was previously given to Bernd Losekanne, to Christoffer Meyer.
1577, May 3
King Frederick II of Denmark declares, that he has renewed the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which was given to Bernd Losekanne before but who has misbehaved, on behalf of Bremen merchant Christoffer Meyer.
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1579, April 7
Bremen to Hamburg: complaint on behalf of Christoffer Meyger, who has used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for many years, that merchants from Hamburg have also used the harbour in the previous two years, hindering Meyer's business. Therefore, it is asked to stop this.
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1580, January 23
Bremen to Hamburg: complaint against Simon Schmidt and Matthias Eggers, who have interfered for three years in the business of Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, although both men have used that harbour for a long time.
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1580, January 25
Matthias Eggers to Hamburg: states that he and his predecessors have rightfully used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for more than forty years, and that the Bremen merchants Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer therefore have no right to claim the use of the harbour for themselves.
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1580, January 30
Hamburg to Bremen: states that the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, the use of which is claimed by the Bremen merchants Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer, has been rightfully used by the Hamburg merchants Simon Schmidt and Matthias Eggers.
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1580, February 15
Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: in answer to the statement of Matthias Eggers from Hamburg that he and his predecessors have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for many years, they claim that he is lying, and that they have the full right to use the harbour, as they have done for about eighty years before.
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1580, February 18
Bremen to Hamburg: in response to the defense of Matthias Eggers concerning his illegal use of the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, the Bremen merchants (Bernd Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer) have and have had a license for Ostforde for many years, and Eggers has a license for another harbour, called Wapenforde, and therefore has no right to use the Ostforde.
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1580, February 27
Matthias Eggers to Hamburg: in answer to the complaint from Bremen that Matthias Eggers has no right to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, Eggers states that he does have permission to sail to Iceland, and is therefore also free to use this specific harbour. As the authority over Iceland belongs to the Danish king and not to Bremen, they should go to the governour in Iceland if they don't agree with this.
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1580, February 29
Hamburg to Bremen: in reaction to the complaints of Bernd Losekanne and his companions, Matthias Eggers and his companions does have the official permission of the Danish king to sail to Iceland, and that the merchants from Bremen should go to the royal authorities in Iceland if they don't agree with that.
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1580, March 10
Bremen to Hamburg: reaction to the statement of Matthias Eggers, who claimed to have a special license for Iceland, and therefore his presence in the harbour Ostforde, to the detriment of Bremen merchants there, who have a license for the harbour, in which the long tradition of Bremen merchants in Ostforde is emphasised, and it is requested to respect their exclusive use of the mentioned harbour.
[Bremen to prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen]: complaint about interference of Hamburg merchants Simon Schmidt and Matthias Eggers in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which Berndt Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer have used for over 80 years.
1582, January 18
Heinrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne to prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen: ask for help in protection against Hamburg competitors in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, for which they have a license from the king.
1582, February 1
Heinrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne to Bremen: complaint about the interference of Hamburg merchants in their business in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, for which they have a license.
1582, February 2
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: complaint about interference of Hamburg merchants in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde and other places in Iceland, and ask the king to prevent this.
1582, February 26
Prince- archbishop Henry III of Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: requests to prohibit Hamburg merchants to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which they do in spite of the license that Bremen merchants Christoffer Meyer, Johan Wiggers, and Bernd Losekanne have for the place.
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1582, March 6
King Frederick II of Denmark to [governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland]: because Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne, who have a license to use the harbour Ostforde, have complained about interference of Hamburg merchants in their business, it is asked to prevent this.
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1583, February 10
Johan Bockholt to Friederich Koster in Bremen: writes that he has received a letter from Hamburg, in which they state that Hamburg merchants have a license for the contested harbour in Iceland [Ostforde] as well, and therefore asks both parties to appear at the next Althing, so a solution can be found.
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158[3], April 23
Bremen to governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland: in response to the information that Hamburg merchants claim to have a license for the harbour Ostforde as well, it is asked to see that Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne's right to use the harbour is safeguarded, and that they will not have a reason to complain to the king.
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1588, January 18
Instruction for Bremen counsellor Heinrich Bredelo and secretary Heinrich Houck, who were sent to the Danish king to discuss the problem of Bremen merchants losing their licenses for harbours in Iceland to Hamburg and Oldenburg merchants. Therefore, it is asked to secure the four remaining harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flattoh and Watlose for Bremen merchants, and to request new licenses for Stickingsholm and Elleroh to compensate for the lost harbours.
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Bremen secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt to the Danish Council of the Realm: list of four harbours in Iceland for which licenses should be renewed or requested on behalf of Bremen merchants, namely: Ostforde on behalf of Martin Losekanne, Bodenstede for Johan Hudeman, Flatto for Carsten Bake, and Wattlose for Johan Schroder.
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1589, September 6
Bremen merchants with Iceland to Otto von Duringen, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: request for mediation with the Danish king for renewal of the licenses to use the harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flatto, and Watlose, if possible for eight years. The previous licenses were given by the deceased king Frederik II for four years in 1586.
1589, September 6
Bremen merchants with Iceland to Bremen: request for mediation in renewing their licenses for Icelandic harbours: Marten Losekanne in Ostforde, Johan Hudeman in Bodenstede, Carsten Bake in Flatto, and Johan Schroder in Wattlose, plus a license for Neswage on behalf of Evert Hoveman, which is currently owned by Oldenburg but where there has not been a ship last year.
1589, September 15
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of licenses for the harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flatto and Watlose in Iceland on behalf of Marten Losekanne, Johan Hudeman, Johan Schroder and Carsten Bake from Bremen, as well as a new license for the harbour Neswage on behalf of Everdt Hoveman.
1589, September 26
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Martin Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
Erik Jakopsen declares that he was sent to Ostforde by governour Lorentz Kruse, and has heard there that the Bremen merchants have always traded honestly in Fulewick.
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1590, February 28
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to change the license of Marten Losekanne for the harbour Wapenforde in Iceland to Ostforde. It is claimed that a mistake was made in the license, as Losekanne and his predecessors have used the Ostforde for 80 years, whereas Wapenforde has been in use by Hamburg merchant Paul Lindeman for 20 years.
1590, April 12
The German chancery of Denmark confirms having received a letter from Bremen, in which it is requested to change the license for the harbour Wapenforde in Iceland to Ostforde, on behalf of Marten Losekanne.
1590, May 26
Bailiff Björn Gunnarson of Múlasýsla declares, that merchant Marten Losekanne and skipper Johan Oldenbuttel have always traded honestly in Fulewick, and bring better merchandise than the Hamburg merchants. Also confirmed by Torder Bernson, Jon Bernson, and priest Siguardus Arnoldi.
1590, August 27
Priest Jon Þorvardsson from Altefjord in Ostforde declares that merchants from Bremen have always traded honestly in Fuluwick for 80 years, and wishes that they will not be expelled by Hamburg merchants, whose goods are more expensive.
1590, October 14
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: repeated request to change the name for the license of Wapenforde in Iceland to Ostforde, on behalf of Martin Losekanne. Also a new request for a license for Klevesohe in Lon on behalf of Friedrich Tilebare. The harbour has not been used before, but its inhabitants have been trading with the Bremen merchants in Ostforde.
1590, November 3
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Martin Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, November 5
Excerpt of Marten Losekanne's license for Ostforde in Iceland, with notes about the license of Daniel Elers for Bernforde.
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1590, December 3
Testimonies of four old Bremen men Jost Brockman, Bernd Losekanne, Christoffer Meyer and Luder Wedeman, who appeared before the city council by request of Marten Losekanne, and testify that they have all sailed to the harbour called Ostforde in Iceland for many decades.
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Summary of the petitions and complaints of Hamburg and Bremen merchants regarding the conflict between Daniel Elers from Hamburg and Marten Losekanne from Bremen about the harbours Ostforde and Bernforde in Iceland.
Secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt from Bremen states his arguments to prove that the harbours Ostforde in Iceland, used by Bremen merchants, and Bernforde, used by Hamburg merchants, are in fact the same harbour.
Daniel Elers to the Danish council of the Realm: complains about how he received a license for the harbour Bernforde in Iceland, but was hindered by Bremen merchant Marten Losekanne, who acquired a license for Wapenforde, but changed the name to Ostforde, which he claims to be the same harbour as Bernforde.
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Testimonies of Icelanders Halgrimur Niklasson, who claims that his father was bailiff in Ostfordsyssel and has never heard of a harbour called Ostforde, and Torsten Tusteson, who claims that when he was in the region, he heard that Bremen merchants were trading in Dupwage in Bernforde.
1591, August 11/12
Priests Snorri Hallsson and Arni Olafsson testify, that they have never heard other than that the harbour which is in use by Marten Losekanne from Bremen is called Djupavogur, and that they have never heard that it is also called Fulavik before last summer.
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1591, August 19
Slétta (Reyðarfjörður)
Kietill Sveinsson declares that the Bremen merchants in Ostforde have behaved themselves very well and wishes for their license to be continued, and that Dupwage is located opposite Fulewick.
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1591, August 21
Biorn Gunnarsson declares that the Bremen merchants who have trade in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for 80 years have behaved themselves very well, and wishes that their license may be continued, and that Dupwage is located opposite Fulewick.
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1591, August 25
Bailiffs Elendur Magnusson, Bryniolfur Jonson and Gudmundur Eyolfson declare that Bremen merchants in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland sell better commodities than Hamburg merchants and help the local people.
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1591, November 14
Bremen's instruction for the secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt, who is sent to discuss the matter about the rightful use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde, in which it is stated that it can be proven that Marten Losekanne and his predecessors have rightfully used the harbour under the name Ostforde for decades, and that it is therefore not true that they have changed a license for Wapenforde to the invented name Ostforde, as Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers claims.
1591, December
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: asks on behalf of Bremen merchants to protect their interests in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland and to forbid the Hamburg merchants from sailing there.
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1591, between December 12 and 29
Representative of the Hamburg merchants with Bernforde to the Danish Council of the Realm: reply to complaints from the Bremen representative in the conflict about the use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde in Iceland, in which he states that although the Bremen merchants have a license for Ostforde, this refers to a quarter of the entire land and not to a specific harbour like Bernforde.
1591, December 5
Marten Losekanne and Johan Oldenbuttel to prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen: complain that they have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for over 80 years, and now Daniel Elers from Hamburg has received a license for the harbour Bernforde, which is in fact the same harbour, and ask for mediation at the Danish court.
1592, January 4
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Marten Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1595, November 16
Skipper Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, Johan Reineken's widow and children to Bremen: request for a prolongation of the four-year license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland.
1595, December 2
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request a renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johan Reineken's widow and children.
1596, January 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne (later changed to Johan and Friedrich Wilkens) and Johan Reineke's widow from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for three years.
1598, December 9
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johann Reinekens widow.
1599, August 24
Jacob Winock, sheriff of Skriðuklaustur and Múlasýsla, to Augustinus Erich, secretary of the Danish German chancery: states how Jochim Focke has received a license for the harbour Horne- and Ostforde in Iceland, which is already in use by Friedrich Tilebare from Bremen. Therefore, the German chancery should inform about the matter.
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