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[1585, after November 24]
Hamburg to king Frederick II of Denmark: answer to the king's resolution about the Icelandic trade, in which they thank him for that, and ask for privileged treatment of Hamburg merchants in Iceland, and the right to sail with two small ships annually to northern Iceland.
1589, June 10
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Cordt Basse, Hans Hering and Hans Schomaker from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Dureshave in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1589, June 20
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Daniel Elers from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Bernforde in Iceland, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights. Renovated for three years in October 1594.
1589, September 7
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the licenses for Bremen citizens, which were issued by Frederick II, and which have ended in this year, and also for the harbour Neswage, which is in use by Oldenburg.
1589, September 12
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Flatto in Iceland on behalf of Carsten Bake from Bremen.
1589, September 15
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of licenses for the harbours Ostforde, Bodenstede, Flatto and Watlose in Iceland on behalf of Marten Losekanne, Johan Hudeman, Johan Schroder and Carsten Bake from Bremen, as well as a new license for the harbour Neswage on behalf of Everdt Hoveman.
1589, September 25
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Pall Jonsson from Iceland to trade with the harbour Flatey in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1589, September 26
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Martin Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1589, December 3
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Hutlen from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Kibbelwick in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1589, December 3
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Bartelt Elers and Cordt Tacke from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Iseforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1589, December 3
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Ambrosius Loring from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Stappe in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, January 28
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Georg Schinckel from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Botsand in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, January 29
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Peter Sivers from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Schagestrand in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, January 29
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Kleve from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Watnow in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, January 29
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans Hase from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Reff in Iceland for three years. The harbour is already in use by Berndt Salfeld, but it is claimed that they can sail there with two ships. Due to uncertainty about the situation, however, the license is cancelled until further notice.
Transcript available
1590, February 28
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to change the license of Marten Losekanne for the harbour Wapenforde in Iceland to Ostforde. It is claimed that a mistake was made in the license, as Losekanne and his predecessors have used the Ostforde for 80 years, whereas Wapenforde has been in use by Hamburg merchant Paul Lindeman for 20 years.
1590, March 8
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Joachim Focke from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Ostfriedenes or Hoddenforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, August 17
King Christian IV of Denmark to treasurer Enevold Kruse: has heard that councillor Oluf Matssen from Copenhagen, who held a trading license for the Faroes together with Joachim Wichmand from Hamburg, has unrightfully rented out this license, and therefore it is asked to invite Wichmand and one or two citizens from Copenhagen so that a new license can be issued.
1590, October 14
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: repeated request to change the name for the license of Wapenforde in Iceland to Ostforde, on behalf of Martin Losekanne. Also a new request for a license for Klevesohe in Lon on behalf of Friedrich Tilebare. The harbour has not been used before, but its inhabitants have been trading with the Bremen merchants in Ostforde.
1590, November 3
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Martin Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1590, November 4
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Luder Otersen from Lübeck to trade with the harbours Orbackhaffe and Torlakshaffe in Iceland for three years, which were used before by Herman Wegener from Hamburg for Ottersen.
1590, November 4
Johan Oldenbuttel from Bremen declares on behalf of Friedrich Tilebare, who has a license for the harbour Klevesohe in Lon in Iceland for four years, that the license will become invalid if it is given to someone else.
1590, November 5
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans Holtgreve from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Haneforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1591, May 7
King Christian IV of Denmark to Bremen: states that Daniel Elers from Hamburg and governour Lorentz Kruse on Iceland have come to him and complained about the presence of Marten Losekanne from Bremen in Elers's harbour in Iceland, and asks Losekanne therefore to refrain from further use of the harbour.
1591, September 11
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Stappe in Iceland on behalf of Dietmar Kenckel, which was held before by his father.
Transcript available
1591, after September 29
Cordt Walleman to king Christian IV of Denmark: said that he went to Copenhagen to bring the request of Dietmar Kenckel, the factor of Duke Henry Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg, to use the harbour Stappe, to the Council of the Realm. As it appeared that this harbour was already in use by someone else, Walleman requests a license for Durholmer in the east, which was never used by anyone, on Kenckels behalf.
1591, November 23
[King Christian IV of Denmark] permits Joachim Wichmann from Hamburg to sail once more to the Faroes to collect his goods and outstanding debts, after he has ended his license for the Faroese trade.
1591, December
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: asks on behalf of Bremen merchants to protect their interests in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland and to forbid the Hamburg merchants from sailing there.
1591, December 5
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: letter of consignment for secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt, who will come to discuss matters on behalf of the merchants with Iceland.
1592, January 4
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Marten Losekanne from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for four years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1592, January 15
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Ruteforde in Iceland, on behalf of Laurens Schroder.
1592, February 11
Jochim Holste declares that his fellow shipowner Laurens Schroder from Hamburg has received a license for the harbour Ruteforde, west of Schagestrand in Iceland the day before. However, if the harbour is already in use by someone else, they will not use their license.
1592, February 26
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the licenses for the harbours Wapenforde and Dureshave in Langenes in Iceland on behalf of Cordt Basse, Hans Schomaker, Hans Hering, and Hans Lindeman. It is also requested to merge the two licenses, as it is better to sail there with one large ship than with two small ones, for protection against pirates.
1592, February 26
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Wapenforde in Iceland, on behalf of Heinrich Moller.
1592, March 7
Peter Sivers to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of his license for the harbour Schagestrand in Iceland, and protection of his business against Laurens Schroder, who was in his service for two years, and then acquired his own license for Ruteforde, which is so close to Schagestrand that it can be considered the same harbour.
1592, March 24
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Cordt Basse, Hans Hering and Hans Schomaker from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Dureshave in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1592, May 19
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Johan Hudeman and Friederich Koster from Bremen to trade with the harbour Bodenstede in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1592, June 17
[King Christian IV of Denmark] to treasurer Enevold Kruse: Jochim Weichman from Hamburg has died, leaving a debt of 4548 daler to the Danish crown, which shall be reduced to 1000 daler because of his long services as Danish factor and the losses he made in the trade with the Faroes.
1592, October 1
King Christian IV of Denmark renews the permission for Ambrosius Loring from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Stappe in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1592, October 18
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request renewal of the license for the harbour Kibbelwick in Iceland, on behalf of Hans von Hutlen.
1592, October 19
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: accompanying letter to extensive complaints against fishing and trading activities of the English in Iceland, and request to prohibit them from visiting Iceland.
1592, October 19
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for the renewal of the license for the harbour Botsand in the south of Iceland on behalf of Reimer Ratkens. The license was previously issued to his deceased companion Jurgen Schinckel.
1592, October 22
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to renew the license for the harbour Grindewick in Iceland, which was issued in 1589 to Bernd Osthof, on behalf of his companion Paul Barnefeld.
1592, October 29
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Iseforde in Iceland on behalf of Bartelt Elers and Roleff Eis, who have suffered greatly from English interference recently.
1592, November 16
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Pawel Barnefeld from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Grindewick in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights. The name of Hans Steinkamp is added in pencil.
1592, December 8
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostfriedenes or Hoddenforde in Iceland on behalf of Jochim Focke, or a license for the harbour Rodeforde, because two Bremen merchants have interfered with his business on multiple occasions.
1593, January 1
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Bartelt Elers and Roleff Eis from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Iseforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1593, January 1
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Reimer Ratkens from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Botsand in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1593, January 1
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Kleve from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Watnow in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1593, January 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Jochim Focke from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Ostfriedenes or Hoddenforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1593, January 3
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbours Neswage and Kummerwage, which have not been used for two years, on behalf of Carsten Bake, who has traded in Iceland for a long time in different harbours, as well as his father.
1593, January 16
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Iseforde in Iceland, on behalf of Bartelt Elers and Roleff Eis, who have suffered greatly from English interference recently, and sail with two ships, so two copies of the license are requested.
Transcript available
1593, February 28
Carsten Bake to Bremen: describes how his father Vasmer Bake has been active in Iceland for many years, and himself has been trading in the harbours Neswage, Flatto and Holm, but lost them all to others, so that he still has many outstanding debts in various places, and therefore requests the use of Neswage and Kummerwage, which have remained unused for two years.
1593, March 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Peter Sivers from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Schagestrand in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights. Changed to Jurgen Vilter after Sivers's death.
1593, March 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Hutlen from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Kibbelwick in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1593, April 27
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Carsten Bake from Bremen to trade with the harbours Neswage and Lando in Iceland for three years. After expiration of the license, the harbour will be given to the count of Oldenburg again.
Transcript available
1593, September 4
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a prolongation of the license for the harbour Flatto in Iceland, which was formerly given to Pall Jonsson for four years, on behalf of Bremen citizen Bernd Jonsson, who was born in Iceland.
1593, October 9
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Berndt Jonson from Bremen to trade with the harbour Flatto in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights. In 1596, after Jonson's death, the harbour was given to Danish subjects.
1593, October 24
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a renewal of the two licenses for the harbour Haneforde in Iceland, on behalf of skippers Hans Holtgreve and Hans Jaspers, and their shipowners Wichman Berman, Otto Ebeling, Jacob Hambrock and Matthias Poppe.
1594, August 27
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about interference of Bremen merchant Hans Honne in Neswage, where he supposedly destroyed the Oldenburg booths and built his own, and interfered with the trade of Oldenburg skipper Claus Koch when he arrived there. The first part of the letter concerns the Oldenburg possession of the land of Jever.
1594, September 1
Hof (Vopnafjörður)
Priest Oddur Torkilsson to king Christian IV of Denmark: complains how the poor people of Vopnafjörður are dependent on the German traders, and therefore asks permission for a ship to sail to Þorshöfn in Langanes.
1594, October 22
Count John VII of Oldenburg to the king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the license given by Carsten Bake to Bremen merchants for the harbour Neswage in Iceland for three years. Although the count has never officially asked for renewal of the Oldenburg license after the previous king's death, his merchants have always behaved themselves well, and he sees no reason to give the harbour to Bremen.
1594, November 4
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license to use the harbour Dureshave in Iceland on behalf of Cordt Basse and Hans Hering, and a license for the harbour Wapenforde on behalf of Basse, Hering and Jacob Winock.
1594, November 20
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: the count should have been more concerned with the situation in Iceland in the past. Now the license for the harbour Neswage has been given to Bremen and cannot be made undone, but if the count will request a new license after the current license expires, the king will gladly grant it to him.
1595, February 19
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Dureshave or Rodeforde in Iceland on behalf of Heinrich Moller, who has sailed for many years to Iceland before.
1595, July 3
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Schavenforde in Iceland, on behalf of Albert Sivers, who has sailed there for many years, and the oldest son of Matthias Eggers, who drowned in the Elbe recently.
1595, July 30
Haganes (Mývatn)
Sheriff Vigfus Þorsteinsson of Þingeyrarþing to king Christian IV of Denmark and the Council of the Realm: complains how the poor people cannot get to the Danish ship in Eyeforde because it is too far away and they have no horses, and therefore asks permission for Joachim Focke to sail with a ship of 40 lasts to Þorshöfn.
1595, August 22
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Hofsos in Iceland on behalf of Hans Eggers, the eldest son of the deceased Matthias Eggers, who drowned in the Elbe this year. Matthias's companion Albert Sivers sent a request as well.
1595, September 1
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for continuation of the license for the harbour Bodenstede in Iceland on behalf of Johan Hudeman and Cordt Walleman, which was formerly held by Hudeman and Friedrich Koster, but the latter is now sailing to Neswage, for which a continuation is requested as well.
1595, October 1
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Stappe in Iceland on behalf of Ambrosius Loring.
1595, October 2
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Botsandt in Iceland on behalf of Reimer Ratkens.
1595, November 18
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Grindewick on behalf of Hans Steinkamp. As the license was also issued to Paul Barnefeld, who is currently not using the harbour, Bernd Osthoff also made a request earlier this year, but he will then have a part in Steinkamp's ship.
1595, November 25
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Kibbelwick in Iceland, on behalf of Hans von Hutlen.
1595, November 25
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a renewal of the license for the harbour Iseforde in Iceland on behalf of Bartelt Elers and Roleff Eis, who sail there with two ships, as well as an extension to Alteforde, which is currently not in use and where the inhabitants have complained that they have to travel so far to Iseforde.
1595, November 25
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Schagestrandt on behalf of Peter Sivers's widow and Jurgen Vilters.
1595, December 2
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request a renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johan Reineken's widow and children.
1595, December 10
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Hutlen from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Kibbelwick in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
Hans Honne of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: after he has requested a license for the harbour Flattoh in Iceland, which was refused because it was already given to citizens of Copenhagen, he now requests a license for Grindeforde or Landoh, which have not been used for fifteen years.
1596, January 2
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne (later changed to Johan and Friedrich Wilkens) and Johan Reineke's widow from Bremen to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for three years.
1596, January 23
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Watnow in Iceland, on behalf of Hans and Claus von Kleve, father and son.
1596, February 19
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license to use the harbours Grundeforde, Kummerwage, and Neswage in Iceland, after the license for Neswage given to Bremen merchants by Carsten Bake expires.
1596, March 9
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostfriedenes or Hoddenforde on behalf of Joachim Focke.
1596, March 29
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: permits him to use the harbours Neswage and Kummerwage in Iceland, but not the harbour Grundeforde, as was requested, as this harbour was not used by Oldenburg before and has therefore been licensed to John Adolf, archbishop of Bremen.
1596, April 1
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Jochim Focke from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Ostfriedenes or Hoddenforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1596, April 1
King Christian IV of Denmark permits count John VII of Oldenburg to trade with the harbours Kummerwage and Neswage in Iceland for three years.
Transcript available
1596, April 1
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Jochim Vocken from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Langenese in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights, and grants him safe passage in Danish waters.
1596, April 19
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: sends the king two horses, and thanks him for the license for the harbours Kummerwage and Neswage in Iceland, as well as for his help in the Oldenburg claims in Kniphausen, and expresses his regret in not acquiring a license for Grundeforde, which he has had before.
1596, October 22
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the two licenses for the harbour Haneforde in Iceland for six years, on behalf of Hans Holtgreve and Joachim Hare, companion of the deceased Hans Jaspers.
1596, December 24
Joachim Terminau to king Christian IV of Denmark: because of his good services as a translator at the marriage of Christian's sister with the Scottish king, the Council of the Realm promised him the use of a harbour in Iceland. Therefore, as Berndt Salfeldt died a few days ago, a license for his harbour Reff is requested.
1597, January 14
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: repeated request for renewal of the two licenses for the harbour Haneforde in Iceland for six years, on behalf of Hans Holtgreve and Joachim Hare, companion of the deceased Hans Jaspers.
1597, January 18
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Hellesandt in Iceland on behalf of Herman Beverborch.
1597, March 18
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans Holtgreve from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Haneforde in Iceland for one year, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1597, March 18
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Joachim Harre from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Haneforde in Iceland for one year, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1597, March 22
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: besides a request for permission to buy rye in Denmark, the count complains about Bremen merchants, who use the harbour Neswage in Iceland under the name Stickingsholm with support of governour Carsten Bake, damaging the Oldenburg trade there, and asks once again for royal support in the matter.
Transcript available
1597, April 4
King Christian IV of Denmark to Bremen: request to stop using the harbour Stickingsholm and to return the license, which was issued to Heinrich Alberts and Albert Rote, but was acquired under false pretenses, as it appears to be a part of Neswage, for which count John of Oldenburg already holds a license.
1597, April 18
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: besides declaring that the prohibition on Danish export of rye will remain, he mentions to have sent the city council of Bremen a letter in which he asks them to stop their activities in the harbour Stickingsholm in Iceland, and to send back their license.
Transcript available
1597, April 28
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the prohibition to sail to Stickningsholm in Iceland, which is, contrary to what the Oldenburg merchants say, a separate harbour from Neswage. Moreover, the Oldernburg merchants are not able to meet the needs of the islanders with a single ship. If the king is unwilling to allow continued trading there, then at least permission to sail for a single year is requested, to reclaim outstanding debts.
1597, October 5
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the two licenses for the harbour Haneforde in Iceland on behalf of Joachim Hare and Hans Holtgreve.
1598, January 7
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Luder Ottersen from Lübeck to trade with the harbour Orbackhaffe in Iceland for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1598, January 17
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Cordt Basse, Hans Hering and Jacob Winock from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Wapenforde in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1598, January 17
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Cordt Basse and Hans Hering from Hamburg to trade with the harbour Dureshave in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
before 1598, June 20
Joachim Menges to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, on behalf of Jacob Fincken from Flensburg, who was merchant in the service of the deceased Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers, who held the previous license. Also a request to write to England for measures against Welshman Peter Maar, who interfered with their business in Iceland.
1598, June 20
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Jacob Fincken from Flensburg to trade with the harbour Bereforde in Iceland, which was formerly used by the deceased Daniel Elers from Hamburg, for three years, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1598, June 23
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Grindewick in Iceland on behalf of Bernd Osthoff to the Danish king. Osthoff had used the harbour before, and afterwards Paul Barnefeld.
1598, June 23
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license to use the harbour Alteforde in Iceland, on behalf of Paul Barnefeld and Paul Albers, who have heard that the said harbour is available.
1598, August 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Hofsos in Iceland on behalf of Albert Sivers and Hans Eggers, son of Matthias.
1598, September 18
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the licenses for the harbour Stickingsholm in Iceland on behalf of Friederich Koster, and Bodenstede on behalf of Cordt Walleman, which they had received for three years in 1596.
1598, September 21
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbours Strome and Watlose in Iceland, on behalf of Rotmar Pöner from Rendsburg and Cordt Wemeyer, Jacob Hambrock and Heinrich Ratkens from Hamburg.
1598, September 27
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Hutlen, Jacob Hambrock, Rotman Pöner and Herman Kopman from Hamburg to trade with the harbours Strome and Wattlose in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1598, November 8
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Schagestrandt in Iceland, on behalf of Jurgen Vilter.
1598, December 9
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johann Reinekens widow.
1599, February 3
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostfriedenes, also called Rodeforde, in Iceland, on behalf of Joachim Focke.
1599, February 3
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Botsandt in Iceland, on behalf of Reimer Ratkens.
1599, February 4
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the raise of tolls in Iceland of one portugaleser.
1599, November 5
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbours Husawick or Roderhebde in Iceland, which are not in use by anyone, on behalf of Andreas Selm and Jurgen Vilter, who have traded in Iceland before.
1599, November 10
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a prolongation of the license for the harbours Kummerwage and Neswage in Iceland for a longer period than three years, as well as an extension of the license to the harbours Grundeforde and Landoh.
1599, December 22
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: permits the use of the harbours Kummerwage and Neswage in Iceland for another three years, but Grundeforde and Landoh are already in use by someone else.
1600, January 2
Oldesloe to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbours Husewick and Schlete in Iceland, which are not in use, on behalf of Michael Barchstede, who has traded in England before.
1600, August 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license to use the harbour Haneforde in Iceland, on behalf of Joachim Hare, Jacob Hambrock, Cordt Moller, and Dirick Berman.
1600, August 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license to use the harbour Haneforde in Iceland, on behalf of Hans Holtgreve and shipowners Cordt Bleke, Herman Kopman and Dirick Hambrock.
1600, September 22
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a permission to use the harbour Stickingsholm in Iceland, now the Bremen license has expired, and request to send the licenses in threefold.
1600, October 14
King Christian IV of Denmark permits Hans von Hutlen, Jacob Hambrock, Rotman Pöner and Herman Kopman from Hamburg to trade with the harbours Strome and Watlose in Iceland for three years, on the condition that they will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
1600, October 24
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the licenses for Wapenforde in Iceland on behalf of Hans Hering, Claus Olde and Herman Gansberg, which was acquired in 1598 by Hering, Cordt Basse (who died) and Jacob Winock (who received an office in Iceland), and for Dureshave on behalf of Hans Hering alone, which he held formerly with Cordt Basse.
1600, November 13
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Hellesand or Olefswick in Iceland, which are currently not in use, on behalf of Berndt Salfeld the Younger, including permission to sail to Reff to reclaim the outstanding debts of his father there, who sailed there for more than fifty years, but died three years ago. He had already applied for a license for Reff in January the same year, but it was given to Gerd Melsow from Bergen.
1601, January 29
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: state that Carsten Bake has gotten into a conflict with lawman Jon Jonsson in Iceland, and ask for a license for the harbour Stappe, to compensate his losses.
1601, January 30
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request on behalf of Danish merchant Nicolaus Bus and Jacob Beneke from Hamburg, that if a harbour in Iceland becomes available, they would like to receive a license for it.
1601, February 16
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: repeated request for a license for the harbours Hellesand or Olefswick in Iceland, which are currently not in use, on behalf of Bernd Salfeld the Younger, including permission to sail to Reff to reclaim his father's outstanding debts, who sailed there for over fifty years.
Transcript available
1601, July 18
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: replies to the request of Michael Betken to use the harbour Grindewick in Iceland, that after the current licenses have expired, merchants from Hamburg and Bremen are not allowed to trade there anymore.
1601, July 24
King Christian IV of Denmark grants the use of all harbours in Iceland to the inhabitants of Copenhagen and other surrounding cities, and forbids the count of Oldenburg to trade there after his license for the harbours Nesvogur and Kumbaravogur has expired.
1601, October 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade for foreigners, which is unfair because they have always served the local population well, and it damages the involved merchants, who still have many outstanding debts, and the poor and sick who depend on the confraternity of Iceland merchants.
1601, November 10
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the royal prohibition to sail to Iceland. He claims the trade of his Copenhagen subjects will not suffer if the Oldenburg merchants use the former licenses, which the count had hoped would have been extended.
Transcript available
1601, November 16
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: letter of consignment for Johan von Affelen, who is sent to the Danish court to discuss the prohibition of the Icelandic trade.
Transcript available
1601, November 27
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: answer to their complaints about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade, that he will not change his mind.
1601, December 4
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: states that he understands the count's problems, but will remain with his decision to forbid the Oldenburg trade with Iceland.
1601, December 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request on behalf of the merchants with Grindewick, to sail one more year to Iceland, because they have lost a lot of their commodities during a shipwreck of Hans Hare's ship on Helgoland in April this year.
1602, August
Copenhagen merchants with Iceland to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about Johan Holtgreve from Hamburg, who sailed as a Helsingør merchant to Spakonefeldshoved and from there to Botsand, and about Hamburg merchants in Watlose, who interfere with their business in Kibbelwick, Grindewick and Haneforde. Therefore, they had to send two of their four ships back to Denmark with great losses.
1602, August 6
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: orders to send the ships and goods of the Hamburg merchants who misused their license for Watlose, and of Johan Holtgreve, who sailed as a Helsingør merchant to Botsand, to interfere with the business of Copenhagen merchants in Kibbelwick and Haneforde, to Copenhagen as soon as they arrive in Hamburg.
1602, August 30
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: witness accounts of eight persons who sailed with Johan Holtgreve from Helsingør to Spakenefeldshovede in Iceland, who was accused by Copenhagen merchants that he interfered with their business by visiting the harbour Botsand. They tell how they could not reach Spakenefeldtshovede because of the sea ice, and were welcomed by the locals in Botsand because the Danish merchants in Kibbelwick would not trade with them.
1602, September 12
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: in reaction to complaints of Copenhagen merchants in Iceland, Johan Holtgreve has declared that he could not use the harbour Spakonefeldshovede because of the multitude of sea ice last year, and had to go to Botsand instead, where the locals were starving and could not sell their fishes to the Danish merchants because they were too small.
1602, September 16
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: answer to the complaint of Copenhagen merchants that Hamburg merchants have interfered in their business by using the harbour Watlose in Iceland, which is unfair, because they still had a valid license to use the harbour, and ask to sail there for one more year, because they still have many outstanding debts because of the bad weather last year.
1602, November 27
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a copy of the license for the harbour Walforde in Iceland on behalf of Heinrich Gerbrandt, Paul Focke, Michael Brautigam, Claus Makebusch, Johan Rentzel, Tonies Rode and Heinrich Smidt, after Rode and Smidt lost the license in 1601 during a shipwreck on the way back from Iceland, at which occasion skipper Joachim Greve died.
1602, November 29
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for permission to sail to Haneforde the next year, on behalf of Cordt Bleker, Herman Kopman, Diderich Berman, and Didrich Hambrock, which was forbidden by the king even if their license is still valid for a year, and they have many outstanding debts.
1603, February
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to use the harbour Olafswick near Kummerwage in Iceland, which has never been used before, as the fish catches have been so bad in the previous year, that the Oldenburg merchants still have many outstanding debts on the island.
1603, February 17
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to trade normally one more year in the harbours Watlose and Strome in Iceland, on behalf of Cordt Wemeyer and Hans von Hutlen, who still have a license for a year, and if not, to get permission to sail with a small ship to Iceland to reclaim outstanding debts and goods.
1603, March 5
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: merchants in the harbour Walforde in Iceland request permission to sail one more year to collect their outstanding debts, as they still had a license, but lost it during a shipwreck, and therefore sailed with the Haneforde merchants, who refused to help them this year.
1603, March 10
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: in answer to the count's request to use the harbour Olafswick in Iceland, he writes it already has been given to others, but that they can freely fish in the seas south of Iceland themselves, as the English and others do.
Transcript available
1603, May 1
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: draft for an answer to the king's final prohibition of the Icelandic trade, in which the support of the governour and the islanders is asked in reclaiming their last outstanding debts. The letter was never sent.
1603, September 13
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to return the goods that were confiscated from Bernd Salfeld in Iceland by the lawman when he tried to collect his outstanding debts.
1603, November 13
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request to return the goods that were confiscated from Bernd Salfeld in Iceland by the governor and lawman when he tried to collect his outstanding debts.
1604, January 10
Bernd Salfeld to king Christian IV of Denmark: complains how his goods have been confiscated in Iceland by the governour by request of lawman Jon Jonsson, and was forced to pay 2000 daler because he tried to collect his outstanding debts, and asks to let Jonsson appear before court.
1604, March 22
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request on behalf of the merchants with Iceland, to send a small ship to Iceland to collect the goods, booths and ships that were left behind on the island.
Transcript available
1610, January 19
Hamburg to King Christian IV of Denmark: because Heinrich Krack was accused of having traded illegally in Iceland in 1609, he was brought to court in Hamburg, where he declared that he had been fishing near Shetland and the Faroes, and because he had caught too little and was driven by a storm to Iceland, he was forced to trade a little there to make a living. Therefore, it is asked to refrain from further prosecution.
1611, February 7
Count Anton Günther of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: writes that he has heard that the Copenhagen trade monopoly of Iceland will be revised, and therefore requests the use of one of the harbours Bodenstede, Stappe or Reff.
1611, March 7
King Christian IV of Denmark to count Anton Günther of Oldenburg: states that the rumours that the Copenhagen monopoly on the trade with Iceland will be cancelled are not true and that the current situation will remain.
1636, June 10
King Christian IV of Denmark to Christian Rantzau: writes that the Glückstadt merchants who trade in Icelandic goods and sell them on to Hamburg, have to pay the Icelandic company in Copenhagen for that, and asks to send them to chancellor Christian Friese in Kragerup to negotiate the matter.
After 1645
Citizens of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for permission to trade with Iceland again, after the Danish king has given them toll exemptions in the Sound and in Norway, like the merchants of Holland, in 1645.
1646, February 24
King Christian IV of Denmark to Christian von Pentz, governor of Glückstadt: complains about how Icelandic goods that arrive in Glückstadt are immediately loaded onto Hamburg ships, and therefore commands that ships from Iceland should first be unloaded in the city, on the penalty of confiscation.
1646, March 14
King Christian IV of Denmark to Christian von Pentz, governor of Glückstadt: aks to go to the citizens of Glückstadt, Krempe and Itzehoe to see how much demand there is for Icelandic goods.
1646, September 11
King Christian IV of Denmark to Christian Pentz, governor of Glückstadt: asks to arrest the merchants in Glückstadt who sell Icelandic fish on to other places.
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