Beerfordt; Beerfortt; Berefiord; Bërefiorde; Berefiordt; Berefiort; Berefiortt; Berefiørt; Bereforde; Bereførde; Berenfiord; Berenfiort; Berfoerde; Berföer; Bernefiort; Bernfiord; Bernfiordschen; Bernfiordt; Bernfiorschen; Bernfiort; Bernfiortschen; Bernfiortt; Bernforde; Bernfort; Bernfortt; Bernfoyrt; Berufiordur; Berufirdi; Berufjörður; Bredeforde; Oestforde; Oestfordes sußell; Oestfordt; Offiordt; Oist; Oistfardes Sußell; Oistfiordt; Oistfiort; Oistfiortt; Oistfiortt sußell; Oistfoirtt; Oistforde; Oistforde sußell; Oistfordes suißell; Oistfordes sussel; Oistfordeß sueßell; Oistfort; Oistfort sußell; Oistfortt; Oistfortt sußell; Oistfoyrtt; Oistförde; Oost; Osefiort; Oßenfortt; Oßfortt; Ost; Ost fiorde; Ostenforth; Oster fiordunge; Osterforden; Ostfioerdt; Ostfiord; Ostfiorde; Ostfiordt; Ostfiort; Ostfiort in Ostfiortsissel; Ostfiortschen ; Ostfiortt; Ostfiørd; Ostfiørt; Ostfoerde; Ostfohrde; Ostford; Ostforde; Ostforde Sußell; Ostfordsussel; Ostfordt; Ostfort; Ostfort suissel; Ostforth; Ostfortsußell; Ostfortt; Ostfortt Sussell; Ostfyordt; Ostvöhrde; Papie; Pappø; sißell Ostförde; Østfiord; Østfiordsyssel
Region/Country: Region/Land: Eastern Iceland, Iceland
Fjord in Eastern Iceland, which was in use by Bremen merchants under the name "Ostforde", and by Hamburg merchants under the name "Bernforde", which led to decades of conflict between the two groups of merchants in the late 16th century.
Displaying records 91 tobis 94 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
1598, December 9
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for renewal of the license for the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on behalf of Johan Oldenbuttel, Marten Losekanne, and Johann Reinekens widow.
1599, August 24
Jacob Winock, sheriff of Skriðuklaustur and Múlasýsla, to Augustinus Erich, secretary of the Danish German chancery: states how Jochim Focke has received a license for the harbour Horne- and Ostforde in Iceland, which is already in use by Friedrich Tilebare from Bremen. Therefore, the German chancery should inform about the matter.
Transcript available
Overview of the harbours in use in Iceland and in which year their licenses expire, 1601-1603.
1602, August 30
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: witness accounts of eight persons who sailed with Johan Holtgreve from Helsingør to Spakenefeldshovede in Iceland, who was accused by Copenhagen merchants that he interfered with their business by visiting the harbour Botsand. They tell how they could not reach Spakenefeldtshovede because of the sea ice, and were welcomed by the locals in Botsand because the Danish merchants in Kibbelwick would not trade with them.
Displaying records 91 tobis 94 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)