Beerfordt; Beerfortt; Berefiord; Bërefiorde; Berefiordt; Berefiort; Berefiortt; Berefiørt; Bereforde; Bereførde; Berenfiord; Berenfiort; Berfoerde; Berföer; Bernefiort; Bernfiord; Bernfiordschen; Bernfiordt; Bernfiorschen; Bernfiort; Bernfiortschen; Bernfiortt; Bernforde; Bernfort; Bernfortt; Bernfoyrt; Berufiordur; Berufirdi; Berufjörður; Bredeforde; Oestforde; Oestfordes sußell; Oestfordt; Offiordt; Oist; Oistfardes Sußell; Oistfiordt; Oistfiort; Oistfiortt; Oistfiortt sußell; Oistfoirtt; Oistforde; Oistforde sußell; Oistfordes suißell; Oistfordes sussel; Oistfordeß sueßell; Oistfort; Oistfort sußell; Oistfortt; Oistfortt sußell; Oistfoyrtt; Oistförde; Oost; Osefiort; Oßenfortt; Oßfortt; Ost; Ost fiorde; Ostenforth; Oster fiordunge; Osterforden; Ostfioerdt; Ostfiord; Ostfiorde; Ostfiordt; Ostfiort; Ostfiort in Ostfiortsissel; Ostfiortschen ; Ostfiortt; Ostfiørd; Ostfiørt; Ostfoerde; Ostfohrde; Ostford; Ostforde; Ostforde Sußell; Ostfordsussel; Ostfordt; Ostfort; Ostfort suissel; Ostforth; Ostfortsußell; Ostfortt; Ostfortt Sussell; Ostfyordt; Ostvöhrde; Papie; Pappø; sißell Ostförde; Østfiord; Østfiordsyssel
Region/Country: Region/Land: Eastern Iceland, Iceland
Fjord in Eastern Iceland, which was in use by Bremen merchants under the name "Ostforde", and by Hamburg merchants under the name "Bernforde", which led to decades of conflict between the two groups of merchants in the late 16th century.
Displaying records 1 tobis 10 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
List of harbours in Iceland to be used by Hamburg merchants for a loan of 100.000 daler, and on the condition that they will not trade with forbidden goods such as train oil and sulfur.
Transcript available
1566, February 28
Herman von Oldenseel (Lübeck) license for Vopnafjörður, which was formerly used by a Bremen man. King Frederick II of Denmark permits Herman von Oldenseel from Lübeck to trade with the harbour Wopnefiorde in Iceland, which was used by a man from Bremen before, until further notice.
Transcript available
1566, June 17
King Frederick II of Denmark permits Henrick Mumme to trade with the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, on the condition that he will trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.
Transcript available
1567, February 1
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: Heinrich Mumme from Copenhagen, who has a license for the harbour Ostforde, complained about interference from Christoffer Meyer from Bremen, and the king asks to refrain from this illegal trade.
1567, February 28
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: answer to the complaint of Heinrich Mumme, in which they state that their subjects have sailed to Ostforde in Iceland for 70 years, still have many outstanding debts, and ask for continued permission to sail there.
Transcript available
1567, March 10
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: writes that Herman von Oldensehe has complained about interference of Bernd Losekanne, Christoffer Meyer and Johan Vasmer in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, for which Oldensehe has been licensed, and forbids them using the said harbour.
Transcript available
1567, August 21
Eirikur Arnason confesses that he has set the trade (kaupsetning) in Ostforde with Bernd Losekanne, skipper and merchant, and Reineken Strotman, merchant, and their folk, who had a license from Peter Withfeld, and that the merchants in the Wapenforde have behaved themselves badly.
Transcript available
1567, September 26
Instruction for Tyleman Zerneman, who is sent by the Bremen city council to the king of Denmark to ask for reduction of the tolls to be paid for harbours in Iceland because of the bad fish catches of the last year, and licenses for the harbours Bodenstede, Stappe, Kummerwage, and Ostforde, and for reduction of the Sound toll on behalf of the city's Bergen merchants.
1568, January 30
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: repeated complaint about Hamburg merchants, who have a license to trade in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, but which Bremen merchants have used for more than 60 years, and request to keep using the harbour.
Transcript available
1568, March 4
King Frederick II of Denmark to Bremen: forbids Bernd Losekanne to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, after Heinrich Mumme, who holds the license for the said harbour, has complained about Losekanne's interference there.
Displaying records 1 tobis 10 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)