farina; farinae; farinam; farine; farinæ; flour; meal; meall; meehl; meel; meell; meels; mehel; mehell; mehl; mehl waren; mehles; mehleß; mehll; mehls; mehlss; meill; mel; mel stampen; mel stampenn; mel stanpen; mele; Melh; mell; mels; mheel; mhel; mhels; miel; miols; stampen; stampen mels; stanp(en) mels
Displaying records 71 tobis 80 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
The Court Book of Shetland 1602-1604, containing records of law courts held at parish and country levels. Among others it concerns financial transactions of many German merchants in harbours around the country, cases of conflict between merchants and violence at trading sites.
1602, August
Copenhagen merchants with Iceland to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about Johan Holtgreve from Hamburg, who sailed as a Helsingør merchant to Spakonefeldshoved and from there to Botsand, and about Hamburg merchants in Watlose, who interfere with their business in Kibbelwick, Grindewick and Haneforde. Therefore, they had to send two of their four ships back to Denmark with great losses.
1602, August 30
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: witness accounts of eight persons who sailed with Johan Holtgreve from Helsingør to Spakenefeldshovede in Iceland, who was accused by Copenhagen merchants that he interfered with their business by visiting the harbour Botsand. They tell how they could not reach Spakenefeldtshovede because of the sea ice, and were welcomed by the locals in Botsand because the Danish merchants in Kibbelwick would not trade with them.
1602, September 12
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: in reaction to complaints of Copenhagen merchants in Iceland, Johan Holtgreve has declared that he could not use the harbour Spakonefeldshovede because of the multitude of sea ice last year, and had to go to Botsand instead, where the locals were starving and could not sell their fishes to the Danish merchants because they were too small.
1602, November 29
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for permission to sail to Haneforde the next year, on behalf of Cordt Bleker, Herman Kopman, Diderich Berman, and Didrich Hambrock, which was forbidden by the king even if their license is still valid for a year, and they have many outstanding debts.
Transcript available
1603, April 8
Merchants who trade with Ruteforde to Hamburg: relate how they lost two ships in the last years, which forced them to leave their goods on Iceland for four years, and couldn't retrieve them because of the bad weather. Then the governor ordered them to sail back to Denmark, but a storm drove them to Hamburg, where they are not allowed to enter the harbour. Therefore, it is asked to land their goods to prevent even further damage.
Transcript available
1612, December 15
Bremen merchants with Shetland to Bremen: complain about new tolls and customs imposed upon the merchants in Shetland, and ask for mediation with the English king to cancel these.
Transcript available
1613, February 25
Bremen to king James of Great Britain: request to reduce the newly imposed customs and tolls on the trade with Shetland, by request of the Bremen merchants trading in Shetland.
Transcript available
Memorandum by tacksman Andro Smyth concerning expenses and debts for the levying of taxes and customs in Shetland for the years 1638 and 1639.
Transcript available
1644, February - 1645, July
Register of ships, skippers, freighters and cargoes sailing between Hamburg and Shetland that paid the admiralty toll in the harbour of Hamburg.
Displaying records 71 tobis 80 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)